Mamas Uncut

5 Parenting Questions with Tot Squad Founder and CEO Jennifer Saxton

Mamas Uncut sent Tot Squad founder and CEO Jennifer Saxton five parenting questions and asked her to answer them honestly.

We hope her responses inspire other moms and also provide them with some information about how they can improve their own lives and lives of their families.

RELATED: Five Parenting Questions with ‘Stretch Marks’ Author Amber Trueblood

And without further hesitation, let’s get to the interview!

5 Parenting Questions with Jennifer Saxton: ‘There’s No More Important Job Than Being a Parent’

5 Parenting Questions with Tot Squad Founder and CEO Jennifer Saxton

What’s your advice for moms who are looking to start their own business?

There’s no more important job than being a parent, so evaluating your personal goals in starting a business is key. Do you have a great product idea that you think customers need? Are you looking to have a side hustle or something full time? No matter the type of business, I recommend starting up on the side until your business has revenue! There’s so much that goes into starting a business that can be done on the side before you jump into entrepreneurship full time. The more financial security you have while starting your business, the more likely you are to stick with it and grow smart, and not rush. 

Care to share your funniest or most embarrassing parenting moment?

I have left my house with clothes on inside out and backwards on more than one occasion! Sleep deprivation is real in the early days! 

What’s your parenting motto?

Enjoy the journey. Especially in light of Kobe Bryant’s tragic passing, someone had shared that he had all the success and money in the world, but it turns out he didn’t have that much time. If you focus too much on chasing success and wealth, you may never have the time to enjoy it, so I’m really trying to create a lifestyle for my family that allows us to find happiness in the day to day and not postpone it for some future milestone. That said, my excitement for Tot Squad inspires me to be a better parent and leader, pushing our company forward every day. 

How do you establish boundaries with work and mom life?

Boundaries are constructed and can take many different shapes. Long before I had a child of my own, I instituted an “infants at work” policy at Tot Squad, and our team of strong women leaders is welcoming our third baby this month! By allowing new moms to bring infants to work, they can continue nursing (instead of pumping!), continue bonding with their child and, as we’ve seen, it’s increased overall employee happiness. And not just for the moms themselves! We all love interacting with these little ones throughout our day. Our passion at Tot Squad is children, so this has been a key retention tool for our team and a joy-creating part of our company culture. 

What is your go-to favorite product?

As a new mom juggling a growing startup, I could not live without my Doona car seat and stroller all-in-one. My daughter visited seven states by the time she was six months old and that system was so clutch for travel, and super convenient for running errands at home!

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