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Jeannie Mai Reveals Why She Threw Her Handwritten Vows In The Pool After Marrying Jeezy

Jeannie Mai Reveals Why She Threw Handwritten Vows In Pool

Image via Instagram

Jeannie Mai revealed the sweet reason she thew her handwritten vows in the pool after saying “yes” to Jeezy.

Mai, 42, revealed the couple’s backyard ceremony at their home on March 27 along with why, exactly, she did away with her 3 pages of vows.

“I can’t find anybody, whether it’s God himself or the Bible, that would be able to say how I feel for Jay,” Mai says of her new hubby.

“For Jay, he’s a man of words. He’s an artist, a songwriter, and he knows exactly how to describe what it feels to marry me. We knew right away that we wanted to write our vows. Jay didn’t write down his vows, he spoke them from the heart,” she explains.

But unlike Jeezy, who “had no notes” and “was able to just tell me how he felt and shared with me his feelings right off his heart, right there in front of our close family friends,” Mai says she wrote out three pages of vows.

“Everybody knows on The Real that I’m long-winded,” she shares. “So my vows were on three pages and I read every word to him.”

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And after she “was done, I threw them into the pool because they’ve been sealed in his heart forever,” says Mai.

And after a year after getting engaged, Mai and Jeezy, 43, decided to wed.

And while they “originally wanted a wedding celebration that would have all of our friends and family from both the journeys of our lives,” Mai says they realized it “would be a pretty big wedding and there’s just no way that COVID-19 would allow it.”

“There’s no safe way to really do that,” adds Mai, who, along with Jeezy, provided rapid COVID-19 tests for guests the day of the ceremony. “We also wanted to have a destination wedding because Jay and I are big travelers and we would have loved something in one of the countries that we spent time in, but we also can’t travel at this time.”

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So instead of “waiting for COVID to figure itself out, we really just boiled it down to what really matters when it comes to our life, and that is being married,” Mai says of their choice to have a small, intimate spring wedding.

And while Mai admits that “if it were up to us, we would just keep it as that — just us getting our vows done,” they wanted to make sure family was included in their special day.

“But we also are very close to our family members and we wanted to make sure our family witnessed this massive moment between us. So, that led us to having a mini one,” says Mai.

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