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Jean McGuire, 91-Year-Old Civil Rights Activist, Attacked While Walking Her Dog

Jean McGuire, 91-Year-Old Civil Rights Activist, Attacked While Walking Her Dog | Jean McGuire is known for being the first Black woman elected to the Boston School Committee and she has dedicated her life to fighting for civil rights.

Jean McGuire is known for being the first Black woman elected to the Boston School Committee and she has dedicated her life to fighting for civil rights.

Now, police are looking for the person who attacked her with a knife while she was walking her dog in a park on October 12. According to reports, the 91-year-old was stabbed five times.

Jean McGuire, 91-Year-Old Civil Rights Activist, Attacked While Walking Her Dog

Thankfully, McGuire is expected to survive. It’s believed her dog also helped protect McGuire and police believe the suspect may have sustained injuries as a result. Police are still searching for the person who attacked McGuire.

It’s unclear if the authorities have any leads. McGuire’s sister, Jeriline Brady-McGinnis, told WBZ that McGuire is in great shape and walked the park she was attacked in for the last 40 years.

“My concern is, and I’m thanking Jesus she’s OK, she’s in one piece. I’m glad she’s the strong woman she is because she’s a very physical person, takes care of herself really well,” Brady-McGinnis said. “She won’t be walking alone again.”

“There is no nicer person in the world. This is a woman who would do anything for anybody. This woman doesn’t see color, she sees people and for this to happen to her.”

Police are asking anyone who may have seen anything at the park that day to call them at 617-343-4275. 

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