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Jana Kramer Forks Over Massive Payout To Cheating Ex In Divorce Settlement

Jana Kramer, 37, Regrets Some Of Her Nastier Reactions To Her Divorce

Image via Instagram

Jana Kramer is walking away from her marriage to Mike Caussin after six years, but not without paying one hefty settlement first….

It is said Kramer drew the line in the sand after Caussin, a former NFL player, continued to commit infidelity during their time together.

In addition to the heartbreak, Kramer must also part ways with a big chunk of change. Court documents reveal she will have to pay her cheating ex per their divorce settlement agreement.

Jana signed the settlement on May 14. According to the settlement, she has agreed to pay Mike $292,400 “immediately upon fully executing this agreement.”

Per the documents, she must also fork out an additional $300,000 to her ex as a “full and final settlement of any and all claims” that he “may have in and to said marital estate.”

The grand total? $600,000 — yikes!

RELATED: Jana Kramer Feeling Grateful About Being a Mom Amid Divorce From Her Children’s Father Mike Caussin

Jana and Mike will each be awarded one of their joint banking accounts, respectively.

Mike will also keep his 2013 Ford F150 Raptor truck while Jana will maintain control of her two businesses, Sophia Dog Inc. and Moms and Babes LLC.

The exes will be paying their own legal fees.

The ex-couple are seeking joint custody of their two children, 5-year-old Jolie and 2-year-old Jace. Mike has since moved out of their Nashville family home, which Jana will keep in the settlement.

RELATED: Jana Kramer Keeping Kids First After 6 Year Marriage to Mike Caussin Ends Following More Cheating Reports

In a recent interview, Jana admitted she had “no choice” but to file for divorce. And during a recent appearance on Extra, host Billy Bush questioned how she discovered Mike had been caught cheating again, asking if there were “DMs” and “that cellphone stuff.”

To which she replied: “That and some more. Let’s just say it was bad enough I had no choice.”

That being said, she does feel peace knowing how much she fought for her relationship despite Mike’ multiple “relapses.”

“I am like, ‘OK, it sucks and it’s unfair and it’s not what I dreamt of for my family, for my kids,’ and now I have to figure out how to accept it,” she said. “Walk on, be the best mom I can be for my kids, shift work, and figure it out.”

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