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Jamie Otis Reveals She and Husband Decided to Change Their Newborn Baby’s Name Two Days After His Birth

Jamie Otis Reveals She and Husband Decided to Change Their Newborn Baby's Name Two Days After His Birth

Jamie Otis

Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner are no longer in love with the name Hayes Douglas Hehner, which is the name they originally choose for their newborn son. But rather, the couple is now revealing that they changed his name to Hendrix Hehner.

Two days after announcing the birth of their baby boy, the couple revealed their decision to change their son’s name and why.

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“Honestly, the minute we had our son, the minute he came out, I looked at him… I almost called him Hendrix.”

As Jamie explained, during her pregnancy with Hendrix, she and Doug were going between the names Hayes Douglas and Hendrix Douglas. Ultimately, the couple landed on the name Hayes because Jamie believed that if she knew the name of her son in utero that it would help her bond with him like she was able to bond with Henley before she was born.

However, when the little boy was born, something about him screamed Hendrix. The mom of two explained that while their daughter’s name Henley Grace, who they call Gracie, has a huge meaning behind it, Hayes was just a name they liked.

Then they learned that the name Hendrix is loosely tied to the name Jonathan.

As many of the family’s “frans” already know, the couple named their firstborn child Jonathan after they lost him at 17 weeks gestation. Jamie and Doug learned that the two names were tied in some way after talking to “SJ Strum, who’s a baby name expert from Europe,” on their podcast. The couple never went on to explain how the names are related.

“I never used to believe in spirits really, but I know in my heart that Johnathan is with us. I mean, I can *feel* him and he sends so many signs,” Jamie said. One of those signs occurred on the day Hendrix was born when a short rainstorm produced a rainbow near their home.

“Call me crazy, but I know our angel baby sent us this sweet rainbow baby. He’s telling his parents he’s been watching over Hendrix (and Gracie) and will continue to do so. We are so happy to honor our angel baby and name our newborn son a name that is affiliated with his even if it is in a very uncommon way.”

Jamie even live-streamed some of her contracts on Instagram.

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Welcome to the world, Baby Hendrix.

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