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Bachelor’s Jade Roper Tolbert Is Pregnant With Third Child Less Than a Year After Giving Birth In Closet

Bachelor's Jade Roper Tolbert Is Pregnant With Third Child Less Than a Year After Giving Birth In Closet

Jade Roper Tolbert/Instagram

Not only is Jade Roper Tolbert‘s third pregnancy a surprise to her fans but it was also a surprise to her and her husband Tanner Tolbert as well. On May 18, Jade took to Instagram to share the news that they are expecting baby number 3!


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Via Instagram, the soon-to-be mom of three wrote, “It feels so good to be able to finally talk about this pregnancy! If you noticed I haven’t been on social media much the past couple of months, it’s because I was dealing with terrible nausea and fatigue, on top of taking care of two kiddos during a pandemic.”

“Although this time has its uncertainties, we are so thankful and excited for this baby. I truly believe babies being born during this time are here for a special reason, to be lightworkers. We are beyond happy to love another baby, to give Emmy and Brooks another sibling, and to have our children be so close!”

In fact, Jade’s third born and second born child will only be 16 months apart. Their middle child, Brooks, was born in July 2019 inside his parents’ closet.

Jade announced that she is due sometime around Thanksgiving.

However, because she gave birth earlier expected while pregnant with Brooks and their oldest child Emerson, Jade and Tanner are preparing for an October baby. And as far as learning the gender of their third child, Jade wants to find out but Tanner is thinking he wants to keep it a surprise.

“No, this one was not planned.”

While answering questions on Instagram stories, Tanner admitted that they were not trying for baby number three. He was pretty content being a father of two.

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“Very much an accident and very much a surprise when shade told me,” Tanner admitted after singing, “Oops I did it again!”

Because Jade and Tanner want different things when it comes to finding out the sex of their unborn child, the couple took a poll on Instagram asking if they should find out or wait. As of May 19, “find out” is winning. Congratulations to the Tolbert family.

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