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Jacob Elordi Gets Temporary Restraining Order Against 61-Year-Old Stalker Who Won’t Leave Him Alone

Jacob Elordi – who is best known for his role of Nate Jacobs in Euphoria – might be filming a movie right now, but he has some scary things happening in his life at home that require the attention of a Los Angeles judge. According to recent court documents, he’s currently dealing with a stalker in LA. 

He was recently granted a temporary restraining order against a 61-year-old stalker, Robert Dennis Furo, after multiple interactions that left the Euphoria star feeling uneasy. Furo not only knows where Elordi lives but has entered his property multiple times and is even confessing his love for the actor. 

Jacob Elordi Gets Temporary Restraining Order Against 61-Year-Old Stalker Who Won’t Leave Him Alone
via Shutterstock (DFree)

Elordi asked the judge for a restraining order because he feels the incidents will only grow worse if he doesn’t take action now, especially since this isn’t Furo’s first time stalking a celebrity – more on that later. For now, Elordi is scared to return home after filming and fears for his safety if the stalking continues.

RELATED: Natalia Bryant Seeking Restraining Order Against Alleged Stalker

The first incident occurred on February 5. Jacob Elordi was taking his dog for a walk, and upon his return, there was a bag of pastries hanging over the fence in front of his home – something that doesn’t normally happen out of the blue, nor was he expecting it. Not knowing where they came from, he threw them out. 

Not long after throwing the pastries out – we’re talking minutes after – Robert Dennis Furo appeared outside Elordi’s home. He was allegedly confessing his love for Elordi and even said that he was ‘happy to see his’ stupid ugly face.’ He eventually left, but not before Elordi got his license plate and called 911.

The second incident occurred several weeks later. Jacob Elordi left his home to run a few errands, and upon his return, there was a note in his backyard – accompanied by flowers and candy. Furo allegedly entered Elordi’s property three times in a span of 30 minutes – which was captured on a security camera.  

“Jacob, I wanted to apologize for 3 sat. ago. Was hoping to catch you in. Wanted you to tell me if you have been sending. I found you on a beautiful Saturday afternoon quite organically without address without getting lost like this time. Would it be possible if you could call. My hands are shaking,” the note read.

Jacob Elordi Isn’t Furo’s First Stalking Victim

Believe it or not, Jacob Elordi isn’t the first stalking victim of Robert Dennis Furo. His first victim was none other than Nicolas Cage, way back on October 1, 2007. At the time, Furo was a tailor and was accused of breaking into Cage’s California residence after the actor called a security guard at his gated community. 

Furo was walking around Cage’s home in one of the actor’s jackets. Cage was upstairs with his then-wife and child when he saw Furo standing in the doorway of his bathroom – naked, with the exception of the jacket. Once police arrived, Furo was arrested and escorted out of the home without a struggle. 

While he was initially charged with theft and burglary, those charges were dismissed. He did, however, plead guilty to stalking and was ordered to six months in a drug rehab program – one month in lock-down and five months in a residential treatment center. He was also ordered to have no contact with Cage. 

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Given that this isn’t the first time Robert Dennis Furo has stalked a celebrity – and considering how it escalated last time – Jacob Elordi has every right to fear for his safety. We can only hope Furo gets the help he needs and maintains his distance from Elordi in the future.

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