Mamas Uncut

Is This Dad The A**hole For Using His Kids’ Christmas Money To Pay For Christmas Dinner?!

One dad asked the subreddit Am I The A**hole after using his kid’s Christmas money to purchase a family dinner and boy did the internet have words for him!

The man set the scene by explaining why he resorted to such penny-pinching in the first place…

Is This Dad The A**hole For Using Kids' Money For Dinner?!
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“I (42M) was hoping this issue would blow over, but my kids (15F and 12M) are still refusing to speak to me, and my daughter suggested I post about it here.”

“My wife (41F) comes from a lot of money, and her family really hates me because I’m not rich like them, but my wife doesn’t care and loves me anyway. Every Christmas they’ll send her and my kids extravagant gifts, while I get a pair of socks from Wal-Mart, but its whatever.”

The dad goes on to explain how the pandemic really hit the family hard this year.

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“I lost my job due to the pandemic (my wife is a SAHM) and was really worried we wouldn’t be able to have Christmas this year. Next thing I know, my kids are sent Christmas cards with $250 cash in each. This is way more money than either of them needs, so I took $100 from each of them and used it to buy a nice Christmas dinner.”

“My kids tutted and complained the whole meal, and they didn’t even seem interested in opening the gifts my wife and I got for them. We told them to stop being ungrateful, and my daughter jumped up and yelled that she didn’t want to eat dinner with us, and my son followed her upstairs.”

The dad revealed that it was his daughter that encouraged him to post the incident and urges that if he did have a job, he would never have done it. The internet answered the resounding answer was…A**hole.

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One user said: “I’ve been this poor, the kid in this family. ASK. I’d have helped out. I have helped out. I don’t recall each individual time I helped out but I do remember each time I was stolen from.”

While another commented: “Although it doesn’t apply this situation, not burdening one’s finances with a child is itself a luxury for some people. My parents grew up during a famine in China. They definitely didn’t keep any money they made because it went to keeping siblings from starving to death. And that wasn’t a choice.”

What do you think? Be sure to comment below!

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