Is There a Full Moon Out Tonight? Do Full Moons Really Make People Crazy?

Is there a full moon out tonight? Do full moons really make people crazy? This concept of lunar cycles impacting our mood and provoking bizarre behavior, dates back thousands of years.

The word for moon in Latin, Spanish & Italian is “Luna”, which is where the word “lunatic” was derived from. This word came from the idea that changes in a person’s mental state were related to lunar cycles.

Is There a Full Moon Out Tonight? Do Full Moons Really Make People Crazy?

Is There a Full Moon Out Tonight? Do Full Moons Really Make People Crazy?

It is well known that the ocean’s tides rise and fall in time with the moon’s phases. However, what is less known is that several marine species, including reef coral and some fish, have reproductive cycles that are roughly timed to lunar cycles. So is it possible that the lunar cycles can actually impact a human being’s mood and behavior?

According to a report published by the U.S. Department of Justice, they found links between specific types of crimes and lunar cycles. The report describes police records in specific counties which studied cases of aggravated assault, homicide, suicide, traffic fatalities, and psychiatric emergency room visits in connection with the phases of the moon. They linked homicides and aggravated assaults cluster around full moons, while psychiatric emergency room visits clustered around the first-quarter moon.

There are still many skeptics that don’t believe there is a link between the moon and human behavior. Some people argue that there is a “confirmation bias” which means if you are looking to find people’s behavior to be erratic or irregular during certain periods, then most likely you will find it because you are intentionally searching for it.

Holidays and Traditions around Moon Cycles

Is There a Full Moon Out Tonight? Do Full Moons Really Make People Crazy?

Many cultures, religions, and ancient belief systems still have festivals and celebrations around lunar cycles. Passover, Easter, and other holidays celebrate the first full moon after the equinox. The Lunar New Year is marked by the new moon in the first month because it represents birth and beginnings and it is celebrated in countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam & Singapore.

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The Importance of the Moon to Ancient Civilizations

Is There a Full Moon Out Tonight? Do Full Moons Really Make People Crazy?

To many ancient civilizations, the moon orchestrated each month in its waxing and waning fullness. They correlated the full moon with fullness in their harvest, They saw the sun as the life-giving force, but the moon played an important role in predicting rainfall. The moon influenced when hunters and gatherers established civilizations centered on planting and harvesting. Even today, farmers plant seeds during certain phases of the moon cycle. It is believed that moisture is pulled toward the top layer of the soil and improves germination.

Personally,v I believe there is a connection between the lunar cycles and human health and behavior. If you speak to anyone that that follows and believes in astrology, they will absolutely tell you there is a link.

Why not start researching for yourself? There are lots of moon phase apps that you can download to start tracking patterns on your own. Here are some free moon tracking apps for Android & IOS Devices and 5 Cool Moon Apps for iPhone & iPad.

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