Mamas Uncut

What Do You Think? Is It Okay to Have More Than 1 Baby Shower?


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QUESTION: Is it okay to have more than 1 baby shower?

Did you have multiple baby showers? I am pregnant with my second and was told it is tacky to have multiple. My child is 3, and I am 6 months with a girl. Is it weird to throw another and throw it myself?

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What Do You Think? Is It Okay to Have More Than 1 Baby Shower?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“If your kids are close in age and same gender, no. If there are years between or opposite genders, yes. The purpose is to help prepare you with things for baby. HOWEVER, do what you want. If people wanna come, they will.”

“You can invite whomever you want, just don’t be offended if people don’t show up. I’d go if one of my friends did though.”

“Also, you can call it a “sprinkle” or have a “meet the baby” event after the child is born. You can host the latter without it seeming tacky. Most people will bring gifts anyway; designate family and friends who can discreetly let those interested know what you need/want or direct inquirers to where you have a registry.”

“It is in poor taste to give oneself a shower of any kind. It is fine to have another shower if you have someone wanting to host it for you Another option: send out your baby announcements. Of course, do this to announce the birth of your baby, only . However, some people will send a gift.”

“You can have as many baby showers as you want. I didn’t have a baby shower for this baby I just had on the 4th. But I had thought about just doing a ‘needs’ list on Amazon and letting family know what is actually needed. Then they can just ship it right to you without having to have a party or anything. (I am honestly introverted and am socially awkward so I rather be away from everyone, those who know me understand. I’ve always been this way.)”

“I used to think the same way until my second pregnancy. Everyone told me to have a second baby shower because I went from a boy to a girl. Also you have people come and go from your life. You could have people you know now that you didn’t know before and vise versa.”

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