Mamas Uncut

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her infant daughter. She says she is considering moving her three-month-old out of her cot and into a single bed placed next to the parents’ bed. She says that her daughter tends to find sleeping on a bed more comfortable. Is this mom thinking too far ahead? Is it safe to put an infant in a single bed? The community weighs in with advice below.

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A member of the community asks:

“I am thinking of putting my infant into a single bed: Thoughts?”

“I have a three-month-old baby girl. I’m thinking of putting her into a single bed. She has a cot, but during the day she sleeps on my bed and. I find that she is comfier and settled in mine. The last couple of nights, my partner has been sleeping on a mattress on the floor and giving the bed to us. So I was thinking of putting her onto a single bed right next to us. Am I thinking way too ahead of myself or?? Has anyone been in the same situation?? Advice, please.

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know if It Is Safe to Put Her Infant Daughter in a Single Bed

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Put her in a crib or Pack ‘N’ Play. An adult mattress isn’t a safe sleep spot for a 3-month-old.”

“I would suggest trying a crib, bassinet, co-sleeper that attaches to your bed, or even a pack and play. I understand using a mother’s instincts, and also wanting your baby to be comfy and happy. But safe sleep practices are so important. I am only sharing my opinion as I have lost a child to SIDS. If I can put my opinion out there in hopes it could help prevent an unsafe sleep situation I will. I never want a parent to go through what my husband and I have.”

“Ugh, she should be in a crib not a single bed. She should be sleeping by herself.”

“No, she needs to be at least a year before that. (Before anyone says anything, my daughter was ready at a year; she was jumping out of her crib). She’s waking up through the night because she is 3-months-old. She is supposed to do that. Anything else is the odd behavior.”

“3 months old is so tiny. I wouldn’t even put my 10-month-old anywhere but in a crib. If you can afford a single bed, you can afford a cheap crib.”

“A single bed? For a 3-month-old? Are you new? Put a pack n play or crib in your room. I’m confused about how you even think that’s safe at all.”

“Crib mattresses are safer for babies than regular mattresses. I understand being more comfortable, but if you want her to sleep on her own, she should be in a crib on a proper mattress for infants.”

“My daughter has slept with me since she was 2 weeks old. shes 15 months now! Use your momma instincts and do what’s best for you and your family!”

“Your kid should be in a crib ABC: Alone, Back, Crib. To prevent any chance of infant suffocation, diagnosed often as SIDS.”

“An adult bed isn’t a safe place for a child to sleep until they are 2. Your baby should sleep Alone, on their Back and in an empty Crib with nothing but a pacifier in it.”

“You would definitely need a side net so she can’t fall off, also that will not be fun when she learns how to crawl and falls headfirst from 6 months onward… It’s totally different to have her next to you guarded in your bed, that’s normal. A twin bed for an infant wouldn’t be very logical in my opinion.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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