Mamas Uncut

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn’t Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her baby daughter. She says her 9-month-old baby hasn’t pooped in five days. “She pushes and cries” but nothing happens. This mom is waiting to get in at her pediatrician’s office, but in the meantime, she is wondering if any moms have advice for her. She’s tried all of the best recommendations she could find already, but nothing seems to work.

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A member of the community asks:

“My 9-month-old is having trouble popping: Advice?

My nine-month-old hasn’t been able to poop in 5 days. She pushes and cries, and I’m not sure what to do! I’ve scheduled an appointment with her pediatrician, but it’s still days away. I’ve tried prunes, prune juice, gas relief drops, tummy massages, leg exercises, and I’ve been giving her plenty of water, but nothing seems to help her! Any suggestions, mommies? Thank you in advance.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose 9-Month-Old Daughter Is Having Trouble Pooping

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My 9-Month-Old Baby Hasn't Been Able to Poop in 5 Days: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“This may sound funny but you and baby will thank me later… I used to lay them like I was about to change them and I would hold their knees up close to their tummy while massaging their tailbone like right at the top of their butt crack. It helps relieve pressure and it will help work it down!! Good luck!”

“Teaspoon of white Karo syrup in each bottle will keep them regular. My son had bad constipation as a baby… pediatrician told me to try it. Worked like a charm!”

“When this happens we undo babies diaper, push their knees up and in, and rub around the tail bone. When they start pushing I help them by pushing their knees into their abdomen. When I see it trying to push through I keep going and sometimes help it out with my finger. When done I then scrub my hands for like five minutes.”

“When my 4-month-old gets constipated, my pediatrician recommends putting a tablespoon of dark Caro syrup in each bottle until he poops. I only put half a tablespoon and it still works!
Also, bicycle motions with legs and then bring the knees to the tummy for a couple of seconds. It helps relieve pressure.”

“My daughter is on Miralax every day. She has an extended colon and it also is tapered at the end. It took us over a year to finally diagnose her. If she misses just one dose of Miralax she gets stopped up. I’ve tried almost everything on the shelf and found that the Pedialax liquid suppositories work the best. Almost instantly it makes her go.”

“It’s normal. Don’t panic. Thermometer in rectum. Juices. Water. Karo syrup. Warm Olive oil on tummy. Massage. It’ll work eventually. I ended up at dr. And right before he came in she pooped all over the wall. Lol.”

“Sit her on the potty! My little one was like that starting at six months and I started putting him on the potty and that’s the only way he will go now!”

“I agree with the Miralax! My son has had an issue with pooping since he was born (he’s now almost 10 months old) and we went to a children’s hospital and they told us Miralax mixed with juice or formula.”

“Definitely don’t leave it. We were told it was normal but my little girl has chronic constipation. So she’d go like 2 weeks with no poos and it was really causing her pain. 2 trips to the A&E later and they put her on something called Movicol which she takes everyday. Literally missing one dose and she doesn’t poo that day.”

“Karo syrup in their bottle, only about a tablespoon, apple prune juice watered down, apple juice. Those usually worked for my son. He had constipation issues when he was little due to the formula he drank/ate.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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