Mamas Uncut

My In-Laws Don’t Like the Baby Name I Picked Out and Said They’d Make Fun of It: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about baby names. She says that she has a baby name picked out for her baby boy, but her in-laws dislike the name. In fact, her in-laws told her that if she ends up going with her choice of baby name, they will make fun of it. They then offered up their own list of names for her to consider, all of which she doesn’t care for. Even though her husband has “set them straight,” she feels upset by the situation and is looking for support and advice.

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A member of the community asks:

“My in-laws dislike the baby name we picked out: Advice?”

“I have a name picked out for our baby boy (Luka) that I really like, but my SO’s family absolutely dislikes it. They even stated ways they would make fun of him if I gave him that name; they said they would call him Yuka; I think it’s a vegetable of some sort. Then proceeded to suggest a list of names that I did not like, including the name Leif.

My SO did set them straight and told them that my opinion matters more than anyone else’s, but I still can’t help to feel some type of way about it and wonder if in the future they’ll cringe when they call out to him. This baby boy is a big deal because both sides of our family all have girls. Have any of you dealt with this baby name dilemma from your families?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose In-Laws Dislike the Baby Name She Chose

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My In-Laws Don't Like the Baby Name I Picked Out and Said They'd Make Fun of It: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“They need to remember: who made that baby, who birthed that baby, who cares for that baby, and who is raising that baby. If they can’t show respect and want to taunt a CHILD over them not getting their way on something, they don’t deserve to even have a relationship with that child.”

“If they are going to make fun of him for any reason, simply do not allow them around your child when he is born.”

“It’s a great name! Tell them if they BULLY your BABY! They are not welcome in your life.”

“If they don’t respect you and wanna make fun of an unborn baby, then you should just not let them see the baby. That’s so disrespectful and even when people told me they didn’t like my second daughter’s name (Jayla) I just said, well, have a baby and you can name it whatever YOU WANT.”

“First of all, Luka is very cute. Second, F em. Name him what you want. I tell people, I’m pushing the baby out so guess what I get to name him/her. You want to name the baby? Have another one. Stick to your guns and if they keep it up after he’s born then say either you call him by the name or you won’t get to.”

“My daughters names are Nova (after the car) & Dixie (from a movie). People in my family don’t like their names and some won’t even say my 2nd daughter’s name because they really don’t like it. I don’t care though. I’m my babies’ mom, not anyone else. You shouldn’t worry about it either. Luka is a beautiful name.”

“What kind of adult says they will make fun of a child??? I’d be informing them that they do that, they won’t see the child again. They can either get on board or take a hike. That’s a beautiful name and you should go with what you want.”

“Love the name Luka! Anyone that would tease a child over their name, especially family, has issues! I personally would not let them around my child if they are going to do that! Please stick with Luka! This is your son NOT THEIRS! Maybe show them the responses on here as well to help give them some insight at how ridiculous they are being!!”

“My mom didn’t like the name I picked for my daughter but no one’s opinion matters but mine and my husband’s. If they think it’s okay to make fun of a small child over their name, they don’t deserve to be around that child. Tell them to act like adults or they’ll never get to see their grandson.”

“You name him whatever you want and when they meet the baby they’ll end up loving his name! And if they have the heart to make fun of their grandson, that says something about them but I’d like to think they’re just saying that to sway your decision and that they really wouldn’t do that.”

“My dad ‘hated’ the names we chose for our children! He made that point very clear before they were born. Once the babies made their arrival and the names were official, he never said another negative thing. He named his children, we named ours.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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