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AITA For Demanding My Wife To Stop Posting Videos Of Our Kids On Social Media?

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A husband is asking Reddit if he is the a****** after he demanded she needed to stop making videos with their kids.

“My wife loves making TikTok and IG videos,” the OP (Original Poster) began.

AITA For Demanding My Wife To Stop Posting Videos Of Our Kids On Social Media?
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“She posts organizing videos, cleaning, sorting etc. Lately, she’s been pranking our kids 6 & 1. There was one time I heard my 6 yr old screaming and crying because my wife scared her. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and I told her many times to tone it down.”

“Our 6 yr old daughter doesn’t want to sleep in her room anymore because she’s scared of monsters and ghosts. My wife downplayed it saying she’ll get over it some time. The final straw was yesterday when she made our 1 yr old son [cry] by scaring him.”

“It took a while for our baby to stop crying and my wife was just laughing while editing her video. I told her she needs to stop traumatizing our kids for her follower’s entertainment. It’s not okay anymore. She argued with me and I ended up sleeping in the guest room. AITA? Am I being unreasonable or too sensitive?”

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One user said: “No. You’re being a good parent and you are absolutely right to put and end to this. I hate these videos where people prank their kids. Your job is to make them feel safe and secure. There are actually families who’ve been visited by CPS because of pranks that are interpreted as emotionally damaging to kids. If it were me, I’d drag my wife to a counselor to let her hear from them how this may affect your children. I have no doubt she loves them, but this is misguided at best.”

While another commented:

“OP, would you be okay with her being around your children unsupervised if she had been hitting them for as long as she’s been pranking them? Would seeing the bruises upon their faces make it an easier decision? Would you let them keep being beaten while you wait to find out if she’ll go to counseling? How long would you let it continue while she undergoes therapy in the hope that she’ll change?”

“Bruises fade. Mental and emotional scars do not,” the commenter continued.

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“This has already gone on too long. Your 6 year old is in her formative years. She is being set up to expect pain and betrayal from those who loves her. She is learning not to trust. These things will be part of the foundation of who she is.”

“Trauma changes adults. Full grown adults with fully developed brains can develop PTSD. What do you think happens to a child subjected to trauma? With the way your wife is escalating her behavior, you’re going to find out.”

“You are the sword and shield that protects your children from those that would cause them pain and suffering. Right now, you’re wife is who they need protection from.”

What do YOU think?!

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