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I Threw Away My Dinner After My Fiancé Spit In It, Should I Apologize?

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One woman is asking for help via reddit after her fiancé aggressively spit in her dinner and she decided to throw it away. Now, the original poster (OP) is worried she should have apologized…

“I f22 have been with my fiancé  m20 for 2 years and recently got engaged. I handle cooking while he takes care of other stuff including rent and [utilities.]”

I Threw Away My Dinner After My Fiancé Spit In It, Should I Apologize?
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“He’s been eating a lot lately I started cooking in large pots and buying extra ingredients. He usually tells me what he’d like to eat for dinner. Note I only cook dinner 3 times a week. Other than that we have plenty of leftovers. So onto the situation. Last night I cooked dinner early because he wanted to eat early. I prepared his plate and put my plate in the fridge ready to reheat for later.”

Nothing seems amiss here, right? Wrong. The dinner soon became a massive fight between the couple.

“I was finished with studying and took a shower [then] went into the kitchen to reheat my dinner and sat at the table by myself and began eating. My fiancé came out of the bedroom saying he smelled the food while he was inside playing video games and thought of joining me because he was hungry. Without even asking, he put his hand on my plate wanting to eat from it. I stopped him and told him he was being selfish as he already had his (a larger portion of what cooked) dinner and the food on my plate was barely enough for me. He complained about being hungry from playing video games, I told him I was hungry because of studying.”

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“He made a face and went to grab a spoon so we could eat together. I pulled my plate away and pointed at the fridge telling there was some leftovers in the fridge and he could go ahead and reheat some if he was so hungry. He refused and insisted to share my dinner. I stood my ground and didn’t let him. He got all p*****, threw his spoon in the sink and spit in my plate. I was 100% taken by surprise and was so livid and disgusted. I shouted what the f*** did he just do. He just smirked at me telling me to enjoy as he walked out.”

Obviously, the OP was shocked and upset as anyone in their right mind would be and promptly stood up for herself.

“I called him f****** childish and he turned around and walked back in saying I was the one acting like a high school bully for refusing to let him share my dinner and telling him to ‘just’ have leftovers. I said he was being selfish and [petty] to spit in my plate to stop me from eating and he managed to do it. I was so upset and I couldn’t eat what was on my plate. It was gross and disgusting. I threw it in the garbage can. And he threw another fit asking why I threw away perfect food and he was counting on me giving it to him after he spit on it. We had a major fight…probably the biggest fight we’ve ever had thus far.”

“He says I was wrong, I escalated and wants me to apologize first so we could put this past us but I said no way I’d apologize after he ruined my dinner and disregarded the time and effect I made to prepare dinner.”

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One person said: “OP, please get out. You are in danger. It’s not a matter of if he will start hitting you, it’s a matter of when. Abusers nearly always escalate. If he is behaving this way now, it will be much much worse after you’re married. Consider contacting a domestic violence hotline for advice on how to leave safely- The Hotline if you are US-based. One of the most dangerous times is when someone is trying to leave an abusive partner.”

While another commented: “???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He dropped about 500 of these. NTA but OP you could drive a b52 bomber through your boyfriend’s a****** it is so big. HE ???? SPIT ???? IN ???? YOUR ???? FOOD ???? That you were eating. Because he is an angry, angry little man. Do not let anyone disrespect you like that. It will only get worse.”

What do YOU think?! Be sure to comment below.

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