Mamas Uncut

I Need Help, I Can’t Get My 7-Year-Old to Stop Wetting the Bed

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QUESTION: How can I get my 7 year old to stop wetting the bed?

“I have tried everything I feel like! Nothing has worked. No drinks after 7 p.m. No sweet drinks with supper. Potty right before bed. I’ve even gone to the extent of setting an alarm to wake up to get him up to go. Any advice is appreciated!”

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BED: I Need Help, I Can't Get My 7-Year-Old to Stop Wetting the Bed.

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“My son did the same thing. Nothing worked. Alarms woke me up not him. Saw specialists. All waste of money. Around 13 he just stopped.”

Potty alarm! Super affordable, around $50. When it gets wet, it sounds an alarm that wakes up your child. They begin to realize when they need to go. Used this with my 7-year-old and the problem was fixed in a week.”

“My daughter wet the bed until she was almost 10. No medical or emotional issue other than she slept very deeply and her body didn’t wake her up when she needed to go. This too shall pass. No amount of lecturing, shaming, punishment, Etc will ever improve it. Not saying that’s how you’re behaving. Put precautions in place, get an evaluation by the doctor, and provide a lot of love, patience, and grace.”

“Take her to him to his doctor. My grandson had the same problem. There is medication that he can take that will help with this problem. And pull ups will help. It won’t stop the incidents, but it will eliminate the clean up. Good luck!”

“I got an alarm that you put on the pull up and when he starts to wet it goes off and he goes potty. It helped so much! And patience. When my 8 year has anxiety he will occasionally wet the bed.”

“My daughter did it beginning at six after having been dry starting at four. I kept telling the doctor something was wrong, he wanted to blame the divorce. At eight, she was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, treated the thyroid, and bed wetting stopped.”

“As a former bed-wetter, it might be good to consult a doctor. It runs in my family, and we finally figured out it was a chemical imbalance issue. That information saved me years of frustration!”

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