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Q&A: I Am Pregnant And Don’t Feel Like Myself Anymore: When Does This Pass?

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QUESTION: I am pregnant and don’t feel like myself anymore: When does this pass?

“I just entered 2nd trimester with my first baby.. and while the morning sickness has slowed down “to a degree,” I still feel gross, I know obviously with all the changes my body is going through, it’s not gonna feel normal, but I can’t even put on semi-nice clothes without being uncomfortable.. Idk how pregnant people wear jeans or anything tight-fitting, when most of the time when I’m at home, I walk around starkers naked or just with loose PJ pants on cause it’s a bit easier, and if I go shopping, I’m in PJ pants and my partner’s shirt with my hair in a bun. I haven’t worn makeup or gotten my eyebrows waxed in months. Shaving is just in the too hard ATM. Even showering or anything to do with Water makes me nauseous or sick “yes, I still shower to be clean, but my head is in the toilet straight after Tbh I’m surprised my partner still wants to do the Horizontal shuffle with me cause the last thing I feel right now is attractive. Does this feeling ever go away? Cause I am SO not feeling the “Glow” yet.

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Q&A: I Am Pregnant And Don't Feel Like Myself Anymore
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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Im in the 2nd trimester and I’m feeling exactly the same girl. I feel like crap most days..hard to really get anything done either. I’m hoping this feeling passes for both of us.”

“I wore a lot of long loose skirts and t-shirts or just a comfy dress no undies required morning sickness will pass soon even though you feel you want to die it will get better.”

“I swear by old navy maternity leggings. I’m wearing them now and their maternity camp nursing hoodies. A lil foundation and mascara and I feel somewhat put together.”

“Not really feeling any glow. More like a bloated whale. Lol. It feels better when you start to see the baby kick. Then it sorta hits you that you’re doing a miracle and growing a tiny human ???? and then by week 36ish you start to get fed up of waddling around and just want the baby out. But it’s all worth it. They come out so cute and squishy. And the new baby smell is the best thing ever!!”

“Honestly there’s not really anything that’s gonna change the way you feel. Try to do your best to be as comfortable as possible. Everyone and every pregnancy is different. I wore whatever made me not feel uncomfortable regardless of what anyone thought.”

“I’m 8 weeks and felt horrible since the beginning. My first baby 6 years ago was nothing like I feel now I sleep all day I am [exact] same with the water-side of things I just throw up right away never realized how many smells set me off gagging until now being pregnant is supposed to feel good and have a glow I definitely don’t feel that way now either [you’re] not on your own huni xx”

“It does go away. I wish I could say its easy, but it’s not. I have felt the same way with both of my pregnancies. It only went away for me after the baby is born and I started working out and eating right on a regular basis. Once we all got into a routine and the weight started to fall off I felt like myself again. It just takes time momma.”

“Get yourself some maternity pants and tops. Ross has a maternity section/ rack and target has some good maternity clothes too. No sense in feeling bad bc normal clothes just do not fit right. You’ll want to get a good nursing cami and/or bra to for later.”

“I didn’t feel the “glow” with my first 2 pregnancies ???? this is baby #3 and I most definitely do. Probably because I know how much I’m going to miss my man when the baby comes and we switch from man-to-man defense to zone ????????????‍♀️”

“IDK what’s up with a “pregnancy glow” unless someone was referring to my washed out face with sweat dripping down from being sick. I had maybe a month or 2 where I had good days and felt like “that bish” but tbh it’s all just exhausting. And you may feel that way for a couple months after. But this to shall pass momma! It is completely normal to feel this way. I know it sucks.”

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