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I Am Concerned for My Child’s Safety When My Child Is With Their Father: Advice?

I Am Concerned for My Child's Safety When My Child Is With Their Father: Advice?


A mom writes in asking for advice because she is concerned about her child’s safety. She asked how she should handle the possibility that her child is being cared for in a home that also houses a family member who is “in and out of detox for heroin” while in their father’s care. Do you have any advice for this mom who is also talking with her attorney?

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A member of the community asks:

“My child is 11 months old. I just finished court for a child visitation/support order between my child’s father and I. The baby goes on visitation with his dad three times a week and two overnights a month. I recently found out that a family member in that household is in and out of detox for heroin, and may be using heroin in the household that my son goes to for visitation.

Is there anything the courts will do for this? Can I request emergency custody/supervised visitations? I am concerned about my child’s safety and being around that. I am seeking social media opinions/thoughts while awaiting my attorney’s call back so please don’t be so quick to judge.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Concerned Over Her Child’s Safety

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Here is what members of the community told this mom. One commenter wrote, “If I were you, I’d file an emergency custody order and go back to court to express your concerns. Maybe there’s an alternative route. He can maybe stay somewhere else with the baby when it’s his overnight, like with his mom or a friend so he can still see the baby and have his bonding time. But if that’s going on in the house, I would request a different solution for supervision. …But at the same time, still allow dad to be dad, that’s important too.”

Another person added, “If they’re melting it to shoot it up, it can cause your child to test positive and you’ll have your child taken away. If the source is reliable I would file for emergency sole custody right away and get your child and his father tested.”

And one mom said, “You need facts to present though. Hearsay won’t work. Then after you get that, absolutely go back to court. Good luck.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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