Mamas Uncut

Should I Just Act Like Nothing Happened After Accidentally Sending a Sexy Picture to My Son’s School Group Chat?

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QUESTION: I accidentally sent a sexy picture to my son’s school group chat: Should I act as nothing happened?

“Well, I’m just looking for some comfort, and please tell me this has happened to others. OK, so this morning my boyfriend asked me for a sexy picture and well, guess what I did? I send it to my son’s school group chat! The teacher has the whole class of parents in a chat group. I obviously did it by mistake. This is the most embarrassing thing I have ever been through. I erased it as fast as I could, but I’m sure out of 30 people, someone had to see it.

I’m so embarrassed I don’t know what to do. Should I send a message saying I’m sorry? Should I act as nothing happen? Please help. I’m scared parents won’t be letting their kids play with my kid anymore. I don’t know a lot of things cross my head. What should I do? Please help!! The picture did not have my face, but it was a picture of my butt, pretty much. I don’t whether to laugh or cry!!!!!”

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Should I Just Act Like Nothing Happened After Accidentally Sending a Sexy Picture to My Son's School Group Chat?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Just own it. Be like sorry guys you can’t un-see it. Wasn’t meant for you. Truly sorry lmao.”

“Pretend it absolutely never happened, act normal unless approached about it.”

“Ignore it. Give urself a laugh and leave it be. I’m sure no one will say anything and you removed it….”

“Just send a message saying you’re sorry for what was sent, but don’t say exactly what was sent. & it was a complete accident.”

“Honestly people saw it. And I’m not 100% you can delete it on their end, so they might continue to see it. I would send out an apology text saying that it was for your husband and then make a joke about this is a good learning tool to never send nudes because anything can happen.”

“Hey did not see your face you deleted it yes if it was me I would apologize. An say that it was sent to a wrong number. an thank EVERYONE for being under standing. An I would let it go from that point. I know how you feel I have been so embarrassed like that before. But life does go on an you are all good.”

“Maybe say your kid forwarded it from one chat to another.”

“Write your phone was hacked and that it wasn’t you who sent that picture. That’s what I would do to save my face and the most realistic white lie.”

“Witness protection! Just kidding. It was an accident! Send a quick message saying whoever saw my message I am very sorry! You’ll be fine!”

“Just be simple about it, say, oops sent this to the wrong number lol. They’re all adults, so it shouldn’t be a big deal.”

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