Mamas Uncut

My Husband’s Family Screamed and Swore at My Kids: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband’s family. She says the family of her husband, who is stepfather to her two children, screamed and swore at her kids while at another kid’s birthday party. She says they told her kids to “shut the f** up,” called them annoying, and said more, which she declined to get into. How should she handle this situation?

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A member of the community asks:

“My kids were screamed at by my husband’s family: How should I handle this?

My kids, 7 & 9, were screamed and sworn at by my husband’s (their stepdad’s) family for being too loud and running around at a kid’s birthday party. I get being yelled at, but they flipped out and told them to ‘shut the f*** up’ and called them annoying? There was a lot more said, but I didn’t want to write it all.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Says Her Husband’s Family Yelled and Swore at Their Kids

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

My Husband's Family Screamed and Swore at My Kids: Advice?

“Number one, no one should speak to your children in that manner. But Number 2, they shouldn’t have to. You should have set your children down before someone else had the chance to.”

“This is an unacceptable response from ANY adult to a child in ANY setting. Let alone in a group of people in front of MORE CHILDREN. No one should feel comfortable screaming and cursing at a child. That’s not discipline.”

“Kids can be wild and out of control and it can frustrate people to the point of yelling and cussing. I’ve been guilty of it…

… Talk to your kids about not misbehaving and running feral around people’s houses…

… Apologize to the in-laws about your kids behavior. Let them know you’d appreciate it if they don’t use foul language around the kids again…

… If the in-laws get upset then just don’t bring your kids around them.”

“Speak your mind now. Or it will happen again. Stand up for your babies.”

” I personally would’ve gotten right up in his face right away. Teach your family you’re a united front and you don’t play that. I have high energy kids, so I get it. Reprimand them, pull me aside, but cursing and insults? Hell no.”

“I really don’t care what my daughters doing, no one is going to scream and cuss or hit my child. That would be the end of that family being family anymore.”

“I would discuss it with your husband and let him know he needs to sort it out and set them (his family) straight or else your kids will not be going to his family’s events. They’re children and do not deserve to be talked to like that. If you’re comfortable enough to do it yourself, you sort them out with him present to show you are both on the same page.”

“Stand your ground, take your kids and leave the party, and do something fun with them! Never attend a function with them again! Hope your husband was supportive! I love loud kids having fun! That’s our family!!!!!”

“I think there may be more to this story, BUT regardless, there is absolutely no reason anyone needs to yell nor cuss at children, especially grown-ups… I hope you didn’t put up with it. That’s unacceptable.”

“Set your husband and his family straight. They have no right to scream at them. I would not take my kids around them again. And I would be having a serious discussion with my husband.”

“I have said things to my fiancé’s family when they had said something to my children that I didn’t like. His family learned to respect my boundaries for my kids that day. Maybe you should do the same!”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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