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Husband Tells Pregnant Wife She Is Disgusting And Embarrassing For Having Morning Sickness

One pregnant woman posted to Reddit asking for advice after having a nasty argument with her husband.

“I (F26) been married to my husband (M33) for over 5 months, I got pregnant three months after we got married, I’m having a difficult pregnancy this is my first time and it’s hard,” she explained. “I have been feeling so much stress lately and morning sickness is the worst, I feel nauseous and tired all the time, his perfume upsets me, but he’d say that I’m overreacting and being overdramatic.”

Husband Tells Pregnant Wife She's Gross For Having Nausea
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“Last weekend we were at his parents house, we spent two nights there,” she wrote. “He had me sleep on the floor as they had other family member visiting and the guest room was taken.”

But wait, it gets worse…

“I told him I wasn’t feeling comfortable and wanted to go sleep at my house but he told me that it wasn’t appropriate for us to leave all of a sudden,” she wrote. “In the morning I got nauseous and wanted to use the bathroom, my husband told me to ‘hold it'” she wrote. “I was sick and I had a horrible headache, my mother in law came to tell us breakfast was ready and asked what was wrong,” she explained.

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“I told her I needed the bathroom, she went to hurry the kids up and called me to let me know that I can go,” she shared. “My husband saw his sister and her kids were sitting at the table not eating, I walked out and I saw my husband staring at me I went into the room,” she posted.

What happened next was not only shocking but appalling to say the least.

“He started berating me for the ‘disgusting’ sounds I kept making there, embarrassing him in front of his family and making them lose [their] appetite,” she wrote. “I was shocked I told him that I deal with this every morning and that I had no control over it so he should stop being mean to me about it.”

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“He got me really mad and stressed out when he argued that I could’ve been more ‘civil’ in his family’s house and not act like that, I lost it I started yelling at him to take me home right then.”

She then revealed how her husband “refused” and said she ate breakfast with his family. He called her “overdramatic,” she explained. “I packed my bag and told my mother in law I needed to go home, she was understanding and knew I had an argument with him.”

OP said she went out to the car and waited for him to finish breakfast with his family, before arguing in the car again. “He dropped me off and left, I called my mom and I was crying because of his argument with me, he got angry that I vented to my mom and said that I was being too sensitive.”

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One person commented: “Are you kidding? You’re PREGNANT and he made you sleep on the floor? And berated you for having morning sickness? OP, these are not the actions of a kind or compassionate husband. I’m also concerned he doesn’t ‘allow’ you to see your family. There’s a lot of red flags here, I’m not a professional but your husband should probably see one, and perhaps you should go to have a safe place to speak and explore your options moving forward. How he is treating you is not okay.”

While another said: “This is 1000% emotional abuse. I am so sorry this is happening to you, but this is exactly what an abusive dynamic looks like. He is isolating you from your loved ones and constantly belittling you so you are to worn down to ever consider the fact that you should never have been treated this way in the first place.”

What do you think? Comment below!

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