Mamas Uncut

My Husband Is Leaving Me for Someone Younger: Where Do I Go From Here?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says she recently learned her husband is leaving her for a younger woman. He has told her she needs to move out of the house they built together, and even more tragic, they share three children together. This mom doesn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Should she try and stay and fight? Should she just pick up, leave, and move on? Below, the community shares their advice for this mom in need.

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A member of the community asks:

“My husband left me: What do I do?”

“My husband left me for someone younger. I honestly feel so broken. I don’t know what to do or who to go to about this. He wants me out of the house that we built together, and I am assuming he wants to move her in. I am completely shattered. We have three children together who I know this is going to break as well. Do I leave? Do I fight? What would you do? Part of me wants to be petty, and the other part just wants to leave and do better. I need advice.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Husband Is Leaving Her for a Younger Woman

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Husband Is Leaving Me for Someone Younger: Where Do I Go From Here?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“He’s the one who left. You and the kids stay in the house. He can move in with his girlfriend.”

“Don’t leave the house. Get a lawyer. Document everything. He’s the one who left, especially if he was having some kind of affair. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Recordings if necessary but try to keep all communications through text until you get an attorney and then everything goes through them.”

“I would stay in the house with my kids. If he wants yo leave then so be it. Their lives should not be turned upside down.”

“Be petty and fight for the house. Don’t give in. He’s the one cheating, not you. You and the kids need the house. Trust me. I was in the same boat. I refused to sell or move.”

“Stay and take him for all he has. Don’t let her take over what the two of you spent years building. No joke. Those kiddos need some adjustment time and don’t need to be yanked from their home and their father leaving as well. Seriously as hard as it is. If you leave, you and the kids have to start over in a new place with new things. Make him fight for it. He wasn’t man enough to tell you he was done, then screw him let his new lover find him a place to lay his head.”

“DO NOT MOVE OUT!!! I repeat: don’t! move! out! of! that! house!! And make him well aware of that. He can be left to his own devices! He can’t kick you out of your home. It’s as much yours as it’s his. Get a lawyer, file for divorce, get alimony, and child support. God bless and big hugs to you and your kids.”

“Whatever you do don’t leave the house. You and the kids need a home. Don’t need to be uprooting them when he is the unfaithful one. Find yourself a good solicitor. They will tell you to remain in the house. It may be down the line the house needs to be sold but you have every right to remain there until it does. File for divorce on his adultery and ask for child maintenance and support for yourself. If he hasn’t already moved out kick him out.”

“He can’t make you leave. It’s a law. If he moved out or packed a bag and left its abandonment. Keep all text/messages. If he has left., quickly do a change of address on him to prove he left. Proved he has intentions to be with her after your divorce and sue her for alienation of affection. Calm down, relax. This is a time to be smart. Don’t leave that house under any circumstances. Change locks.”

“You own half of everything you don’t have to leave. Fight for you and children!!!”

“Go see an attorney and fight for the house so your kids have to go through the least amount of change. If you can show he’s been cheating or you can gather evidence to give to your attorney. It’s not being petty; it’s fighting for your kids home.”

“Hahahaha! He wants you and 3 kids to move out? A judge would NOT agree. Don’t go anywhere! He can leave and a judge would make him continue to pay the mortgage.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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