Am I Crazy to Think My Husband Should Check His Own Pockets Before I Do Laundry?

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QUESTION: Should My Husband Be Responsible for Checking His Own Pockets Before I Do Laundry?

“Am I crazy for thinking my husband needs to check his pockets for earbuds or other things not to be washed before he puts his clothes in the dirty laundry for me to wash?

If I had to check every single pocket he has on top of the 3-4 loads of laundry every day and everything another chore along with a 6 and 7 yo and their distance learning, a 4-month-old going thru a sleep regression and teething, two old dogs that pee in the house because they either can’t make it outside in time or the need help to get up to go out and sometimes I’m stuck nursing, I think I might explode.”

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Am I Crazy to Think My Husband Should Check His Own Pockets Before I Do Laundry?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I check his pockets cause he knows whatever I find is now mine… my ex left $200 in his pocket, i got breakfast for me and my daughter and we got our nails done.”

“Not only do I think he should check his own pockets. I think he should help with the laundry.”

“My husband has his own laundry basket for his clothes and is in charge of washing and putting them away. I don’t do his laundry for him.”

“When I do laundry, what I find is mine.”

“My rule: Washing comes out the same way it came in, except clean. If you don’t empty pockets, that how it’s washed. If it’s inside out, it will be folded inside out.”

“I check pockets and just put aside what I find. Usually, it’s my stuff because of my job but I have found other things here and there. I return what I find. I’m not going to punish someone or ruin their things all because they forgot. I’m the worst at forgetting. We help each other out and have each other’s backs. Some of these comments blow my mind.”

“Yes, he should check his own pockets. What is he, 5 years old!? He’s a grown man. Start washing whatever’s in his pockets and I bet he’ll be more mindful.”

“I know it sounds crazy, but just check his pockets. You’re gonna miss it when you no longer have to. My husband is deployed and as crazy as it made me, I miss checking his pockets.”

“I’ve always checked everyone’s pockets. Even with five kids and a husband it doesn’t take long at all. I check just in case.”

“My husband does his own laundry because he’s a grown person & I’m not his mother.”

“I feel ya. I don’t check pockets and if I find money in the washer or dryer it’s mine. I consider it a tip.”

“I mean, it doesn’t really take that much time to just do it. If you’re the one doing laundry, just check.”

“I only check my husband’s work pants because he uses these crayon looking things and yes I have accidentally washed and dried a few and it got all over the other clothes so now I check those. But other than those I don’t check his pants and whatever I find in the washer and dryer is mine to put in and change jug.”

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