Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?

Marriage is a sacred bond that is built on trust, love, and commitment. However, sometimes even the strongest marriages can be put to the test when one partner makes a mistake or crosses a boundary. One of the most common issues that couples face is infidelity, which can shatter trust and leave lasting scars on both partners. Although, there are plenty of other ways that a husband can betray trust.

In this blog post, we’re going to explore a difficult question: would you forgive your husband if he wronged you? We’ll be sharing stories from real women who have faced a difficult situation, as well as keen insights on how to navigate the complex emotions that come with forgiveness. While the answer to this question is deeply personal and varies from person to person, we hope that this post will provide insight, support, and guidance for anyone who is struggling with this difficult issue in their marriage.

My husband didn’t acknowledge my birthday

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It took my ex husband 6 years to even remember when mine was!!
  • On my birthday I buy myself a gift, and I take my hubby out for an excellent meal. On his birthday I do the same, take him out for an excellent meal, and fix myself a loot bag (buy myself something for in it.) Problem solved.
  • Nope! Absolutely No! Don’t be invisible.
  • I take money out of the checking account and buy myself a gift. Same thing lol then at least I get what I want.

My husband tells me he shouldn’t have married me then apologizes…thoughts?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It wouldn’t be giving up if you walked away. You deserve better and that would be you putting your foot down. He has resentment toward you even if unjustified and will always put you down if you’re with him. Kiddos don’t need to learn that as an example for future relationships either and deserve a happy mom.
  • You cannot keep someone who doesn’t want to be kept. He’s said it many times, he means it. Let him go. You two might be better at coparenting than at marriage. No fighting, no bitterness. Just raise your kids tg and other than that go your separate ways.
  • When someone shows you who they are… PAY ATTENTION. You know in your heart that him saying these things repeatedly is not just a ‘mistake’ and something he says when upset. I don’t think you should waste your energy fighting for someone who would firstly say those things in the first place, but say them more than once. If you’re too much for him, tell him to go find less. You deserve better.
  • Honestly in my opinion, he has it more than once, it becomes the truth. I couldn’t handle someone who keeps saying it over and over mad or not. It’s not something someone should ever say. If it was me I would leave. He doesn’t deserve someone like you, you have a baby that needs you. No one should be put down like you’re. That baby will grow up knowing that dad can say whatever he wants and the child will think it’s ok to treat women like that. You two deserve way better than that.

Should I give my husband another chance?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Noooooo…he wasnt the one to come clean. Likely would have kept it up… just release him and yourself.
  • F*ck no! Leave, he will never change. You should have left after the first time.
  • He’s had enough chances to change. He won’t. It’s time to go.

Should I stay or leave?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • If you did what’s best for your kids you would have been gone already Your kids come before anyone.
  • You want to do what’s best for your kids but you’re asking if you should leave or stay? I didn’t even have to finish reading. The moment you have to defend your children is your sign to bounce. no father figure is better than a bad one.
  • He sounds like a ticking time bomb. You need to leave, now, before he causes more damage or goes too far.

I found out my husband gets coffee daily from topless women: Advice?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d be flipping tables.
  • They’re just boobs.
  • He’s a jerk. How would he like you getting coffee from a junk-exposing dude?

What would you do if you found out your husband cheated?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d pack my bags and be out.
  • Confront both of them about their phone texts etc. Sadly she’s not a friend.
  • Calm and quick as you can – make a plan to leave and LEAVE.

My husband treats his female best friend better than me and has been talking badly about me to her: Advice?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I would definitely walk away. My husband of 16 years told my sister that he didn’t want to be with because I was a bitch and the only reason he was with me is because of our 2 children. My sister and I have NEVER been close so to find out he was talking to her about me completely broke me. If you don’t have children with this man the best thing for you to do is move on, it’s going to be tough but I promise you’ll get through it.
  • Invest your time in your own best friend and stop making yourself so available and vulnerable if he doesn’t care.
  • I never experienced this in my marriage but I had ex bfs who did this, take it from me if he flirted with women once he’ll do it again and if he’s making you feel bad about your concerns, he’s dead weight hun, walk away you deserve better!

RELATED: 15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked

My husband admitted to watching porn when it is against our religion: Advice?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Girl, its porn. You’re being controlling and crazy.
  • Lol it’s just porn. I’d be upset if he were cheating but getting this upset over porn is crazy. If that’s the worst he’s doing consider yourself lucky.
  • Would you rather him watch porn or nine months from now have childsupport knocking on your door? ????
  • I mean it’s not like he would ever have sex with the ppl and it’s better than him doing it with other women.

My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Before you do anything with community property, find out what your rights are. You don’t want his attorney coming at you, for wrongful acts on your part. Whether he goes to the other women or not, I would have him out of my life. There are just so many things wrong with him as a man, a husband and a father.
  • Good riddance. Let him go.
  • Pack his bags and tell him to close the door on the way out .

What would you do in my situation?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • If you’re done with it then you’re done with it. It’s great he says he’ll get sober but it just sounds like he’s trying to get you back then when he has you he goes back to his ways. I’m also sorry for the people who have told you to just get back with him, no one deserves to be abused. I know it’s hard when you have kids, but honestly if it were me I would keep moving forward without him. You staying will just show the kids it’s okay to be treated like this, and it’s a very toxic thing for kids to watch. Best of luck!
  • I’ve been in your shoes LEAVE.
  • Do not take him back. Recovering addict here. Six years sober. Abuse survivor married to an addict. Run.

Am I overreacting to my husband’s comments on our special needs child?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I don’t think you’re overreacting, that’s heartbreaking. I’m sure it’s stressful but that’s no reason to say something mean, especially when it’s you doing everything anyways. Say something to your husband. Tell him if he thinks his son is an inconvenience then he can just go without you guys, as well as he needs to change his attitude because you will not allow your daughter to see this and think it’s okay. After hearing that comment I wouldn’t want to be around him either.
  • Drag your husband to counseling and make it known his attitude is not welcome, him and his family are teaching the children that being handicapped in anyway means they don’t have to be included and that is wrong. If he isn’t prepared to change boot his ass to the curb. I wouldn’t have let any of the children go it was a family trip not a trip for the selected ones.
  • More importantly, have you discussed your feelings and concerns with hubby? Are you interested in marriage counseling? This may be something you can work out/on.

What should I do about what my husband said to me?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Maybe you should make comments about his body and see how he likes it. That’s so wrong!
  • Should have said if yours was bigger then I wouldn’t need to. Cheeky get.
  • Tell him his dick is little and he needs to order a penis pump. What an asshole.
  • Send him a link to some libido pills and a pump… if his dick was bigger it would feel tighter, right?! Also remind him you have pushed out more than a “nut” from your genitals.

My husband is controlling, what should I do?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • You are right. Wear what you think it’s right for you.
  • My husband has never told me I couldn’t wear a romper or summer dress or even shorts. he sounds very controlling an I would not put up with that. :woman_shrugging: he would have to go.
  • No your not wrong. Never let a man change who you are. Idc if its the clothes on your back.
  • You’re not a child,dress yourself with what makes you feel pretty! Let him pout lol.

My husband refuses to stand up to his family: Advice?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • People tell you who they are by how they treat you, and sadly he has chosen to be like this forever, one thing that I want to makenit clear is that his choice has nothing to do with your worth, because that’s what it is, his choice, it is a shame he cannot stand up to his family, and you are not in the wrong… you deserve someone that can see that and if he doesn’t care enough for him to do it and stop you from leaving, then that’s the answer. I’m sorry it has come to this but you really deserve to be respected and the support of your husband.
  • No. That’s not necessarily what he’s saying. Someone can love you with every ounce of love that they have & it could still not be the type of love that you want or are okay with. Either way, if you’ve been married that long, it’s tacky AF for them not to invite y’all as a couple to the next wedding. I’d leave too.
  • When he married you, you became the family he made and chose to make a life with! You are first! Leave him!

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Am I wrong to leave my relationship?

Would You Forgive Your Husband If He Ever Did This?
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • You are not wrong. You just described my 10 year marriage. I left and haven’t looked back. I know who I am now. Seperate to being a mum and a wife, it is the most liberating feeling. I was suffocating in a marriage where I was unappreciated, unloved and was a shadow of who I once was. It is hard, any kind of change is, but I promise you it will be worth it.
  • Should have left decades ago. Go live your life in peace how you want and be happy.
  • No you shouldn’t feel obligated to stay…
  • I think it’s way past time for you to be happy.

In the end, the decision to forgive a partner for misdeeds is a deeply personal one that requires time, patience, and open communication. While some couples are able to work through the pain and rebuild their relationship, others may choose to go their separate ways. Whatever your decision may be, know that you are not alone in this journey and that there is no right or wrong answer. What’s most important is that you prioritize your own well-being and do what feels right for you. Remember, healing takes time, but with patience and self-love, you can come out stronger on the other side.

For even more real stories from our community, keep reading. We’ve got the juiciest questions about marriage to share with you.

Check Out These Bonkers Questions About Marriage:

Question: Would I be in the wrong if I rehomed my husbands dog?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I def wouldn’t wait til he’s gone to rehome his dog. This should def be something ya’ll figure out before he leaves.
  • I feel like its wrong… My opinion though.
  • Ask him to do it before he leaves. Do not do it while he’s gone without telling him or talking to him about it. I gotta be honest if my significant other rehomed my dog without speaking to me about it that would be grounds for divorce in my home.

Question: Does it sound like my husband is seeing someone?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Not to be the one here that jumps to conclusions, but if something feels off, it usually is. Nothing wrong with checking phone records just to be sure… if you trust your husband then trust your husband, but if you feel suspicious keep an eye out for other signs.
  • Time to go into spy mode! Don’t mention it again to him and act like everything is fine until you can get more solid evidence that he can’t deny.
  • If I found a woman’s hairclip in my husband’s car I’d flip my lid.

Question: Is it appropriate for a married man to be drinking in a hot tub with another woman?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Must’ve been an interesting conversation…
  • I would not like that personally. I’d just bring it up to your husband. Boundaries are important.
  • Yeah that’s a hard no for me too. I’d lose my s**t.

Question: My Husband Won’t Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Leave. That’s financial abuse.
  • I’m sorry but you need to move on.
  • If you are married, he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.

Question: I found out my husband gets coffee daily from topless women: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d be flipping tables.
  • He’s a jerk. How would he like you getting coffee from a junk-exposing dude?
  • Not overreacting. You should walk around topless. Go to the store and family eventos topless and then see if he “over reacts”

Question: My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It starts with verbal abuse… they are always sorry.
  • F**k him. He’s a control freak drop him. It’s only going to get worse.
  • He seems off/childish and rude. And a man would never disrespect his wife.

Question: AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Be grateful you get compliments from your hubs & loves you… alot if women don’t get any of that, ever…
  • Maybe try talking to him about how his comments make you feel. Explain to him what’s going on. He can’t read your mind love, you need to communicate with him.
  • My husband does this and I love that he tells me regularly that he still finds me sexy. Is there maybe a different reason this is bothering you?

Question: My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Before you do anything with community property, find out what your rights are. You don’t want his attorney coming at you, for wrongful acts on your part. Whether he goes to the other women or not, I would have him out of my life. There are just so many things wrong with him as a man, a husband and a father.
  • Kick him out girl ! Make him feel like s**t too he’s using you for now basically.
  • Good riddance. Let him go.

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Question: Am I overreacting to my husband’s comments on our special needs child?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I don’t think you’re overreacting, that’s heartbreaking. I’m sure it’s stressful but that’s no reason to say something mean, especially when it’s you doing everything anyways. Say something to your husband. Tell him if he thinks his son is an inconvenience then he can just go without you guys, as well as he needs to change his attitude because you will not allow your daughter to see this and think it’s okay. After hearing that comment I wouldn’t want to be around him either.
  • Drag your husband to counseling and make it known his attitude is not welcome, him and his family are teaching the children that being handicapped in anyway means they don’t have to be included and that is wrong. If he isn’t prepared to change boot his ass to the curb. I wouldn’t have let any of the children go it was a family trip not a trip for the selected ones.
  • I couldn’t imagine my husband acting that way to our children. It’s very sad you’re not in the wrong at all.

Question: What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • “Believe what you want” is classic. He’s doing something wrong. Period.
  • The fact he actually thought you would buy such a lame excuse is insulting and then ‘Believe what you like’… He’s checked out. Time to move on.
  • What job would require you to download tinder anyway? Come on, I don’t think you need anyone else to tell you what’s going on.

Question: Does your spouse time you when you do something?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That is insanely controlling!!! I don’t even want to think of what else this man does that is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. It’s only going to get worse over time though. #boybye
  • Tell your spouse to bugger off. If they want it done faster tell them to do it!
  • Time him during sex and then say he needs to last longer.

Question: Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It’s VERY common! However, it’s not always discussed. ( I’m not saying that’s a good thing, Just that it occurs). I do think that it is something that needs to be normalized (in and out of relationships), and discussed.
  • Well, I can’t see my spouse’s dreams so going from pure logic and sense…probably. :rofl: doesn’t everyone at some point…
  • Why would you even post something like this? SMH!!!

Question: Is my husband normal?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • This is NOT normal. Dont let these women tell you that it is or that you should feel grateful for the attention. You owe him nothing, absolutely nothing, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. My husband was like this for years and years until I finally said Im DONE and Im leaving. He finally agreed to go to marriage counseling and it has helped tremendously. He understands why I dont like it, and that it is not my love language. I understand that it is his but I do have to work extra hard to be able to be intimate after all the years of unwanted touching. Do not let it get to the point that you resent your partner, speak up now, tell him to stop and if need be insist on a marriage counselor. No one deserves to feel like a possession instead of a human with their own feelings.
  • Idk. I don’t think it’s unusual but it would definitely get on my nerves.
  • He wants you… I will warn. Men like this are obsessed early and may find themselves less obsessed later.

Question: Would you be okay with your spouse going to a strip club?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I know my husband won’t cheat and he will come home to me at the end so I don’t mind.
  • Nope. Not mine… If he wants to get off watching other people take their clothes off and dance naked he can f**k right off.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with your husband going to a strip club for a bachelor’s party with his best buds you might want to reevaluate the relationship.

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Question: Do I need permission from my husband to visit my family?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • No, you do not. He is not your parent.
  • You don’t need permission! My husband used to do this and would said we had something to do but we would spend the whole weekend at his moms. So one day i was done with it and I told him, we are going to spend one weekend with your mom and one weekend with mine. If he didn’t want to visit my mom then I wouldn’t visit his….good luck to you!
  • F**k no, you’re a grown a*s woman.

Marriage is a complex and beautiful journey that comes with its own set of challenges. Asking questions and seeking advice from others can be incredibly helpful in navigating those challenges and finding ways to make the most out of your marriage.

We hope that these 15 juiciest community questions about marriage have provided you with some insight into the realities of married life and some food for thought on how to approach certain situations. Remember, every marriage is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your partner to find what works best for you and to keep the love and passion alive in your marriage.

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Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.

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