Mamas Uncut

Husband Makes the Mistake of Comparing Wife’s Postpartum Body to His Sister

Well this new dad has really done it. After making a few questionable comments about his wife’s postpartum body, the husband took to the Reddit community to ask AITA.

“My wife and my sister were pregnant and gave birth around the same time,” he begins. “We live in Florida, and despite my sister giving birth later, when we saw her during the holiday season, she was already back in a bikini and wearing her usual style of bra length tops and ripped skinny jeans and looked flawless.”

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AITA: This Husband Compared His Wife’s Postpartum Body to His Sister

Husband Makes the Mistake of Comparing Wife's Postpartum Body to His Sister | Well this new dad has really done it. After making a few questionable comments about his wife's postpartum body, the papa took to the Reddit community to ask AITA.

“My wife has expressed envy at my sister when we’d go out in public and people would be vocal about how surprised they were that my sister was her son’s mother and not a big sister in high school,” he continued. “My wife works out all the time, going on runs every morning before work and going to the gym during the weekend. Recently in therapy she said she can feel me being so uninterested in her since our daughter was born and says she desperately tries to get facials and works out to try to keep my attention.”

The new dad goes on to add that he went to his sister to ask “what her secret was to being so fit.” She then proceeded to show her the healthy contents of her fridge.

“So I offered got the groceries the other day with no junk food,” adds the husband. “However, a few hours later I come home from a run and I see the unhealthy crap my wife likes back in the pantry and fridge, some of the bread already eaten.”

“So in an attempt to be a problem solver I tossed the new junk out. When my wife came back inside I was making lunch and she scrunched her nose up at the soup I was making and went to the pantry before I could stop her. She got furious when she saw that I had tossed out her food and I said that she wanted to look like my sister so I was trying to help make that happen.”

He goes on to ask, “AITA for trying to solve my wife’s body problem in a productive way?”

The “helpful” dad received overwhelming feedback that he’d definitely overstepped and should support his wife in a more loving way.

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