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My Husband of 38 Years Says He No Longer Loves Me Romantically: How Do I Build a New Life Alone at 70?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her marriage. She says her husband of 38 years told her in March that he is no longer romantically in love with her and wants a divorce. He says there isn’t someone else, and it seems like this woman has reason to believe him. But how does she start her life over, alone, at the age of 70?

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A member of the community asks:

“My husband told me he wasn’t romantically in love with me anymore: Advice?

My husband of 38 years tells me in March he is no longer romantically in love with me and wants a divorce. He swears he isn’t seeing anyone. I really don’t know when he would have had time. I’m still in love with him and am grieving. Amazed that I am going through this at age 70. How do I start to build a new life alone?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Woman Whose Husband Wants a Divorce After 38 Years of Marriage

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this woman in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Husband of 38 Years Says He No Longer Loves Me Romantically: How Do I Build a New Life Alone at 70?

The community offered this woman in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Girl, screw him. Get your money’s worth and go on a cruise. Travel. Live your best life and do the things you never got to do bc he held you back lol.”

“Really feel for you. I imagine it must be so hard and painful when you love someone and for so long and you receive that love back. The only thing I can suggest is to focus on what you need out of this situation and look for people that can support you in this horrible time.”

“70 is the new 50. Mourn the loss, but keep moving forward. There is a lot of life to live!”

“I’m so sorry. Are you sure he hasn’t been diagnosed with something medically and is trying to save you from watching him deteriorate and/or burden you? Maybe ask for marriage counseling? That is a long time to be married to someone and it’s not like he’s a spring chicken anymore so I do see him out trying to meet someone at his age. There has to be a deeper reason.”

“Let him go. Enjoy time with those that love you. You are strong and wise beyond your years.”

“This sounds odd although I guess it happens. Move on…but first, like someone mentioned, find out if he has been diagnosed with something and doesn’t want to be a burden. Awkward situation… but anything is possible.”

“My mom is dating at 70!! And having a good time! And sadly, I don’t buy his story about not seeing anyone. Best wishes!”

“Hun, I’m very sorry. What a devastating piece of news. But you’ll get the hang of it. Being happy and surviving after marriage. It’s just a matter of taking it one day at a time… distract yourself. Find a new hobby. Maybe painting or gardening or look into what sorts of classes are being offered locally. Best of luck and you’ve got this.”

“You can rightfully take most of his retirement.”

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