Mamas Uncut

Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges

The son of President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been indicted on gun charges by federal prosecutors. 

Specifically, on Thursday, Biden was indicted in Delaware federal court “on three counts tied to the possession of a gun while using narcotics,” NBC News reports.


According to NBC News, “two of the counts are tied to Biden allegedly completing a form indicating he was not using illegal drugs when he purchased the Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018.” And “the third count alleges that he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic.” 

The charges come after the plea deal Biden was expected to receive earlier this year, fell apart. 

As Mamas Uncut reported back in June, Biden reached an agreement with federal prosecutors and was expected to plead guilty to the charges against him.


As The Washington Post reported at the time, Hunter Biden was expected to plead guilty to “two minor tax crimes and admit to the facts of a gun charge.” It was believed that the terms of his plea deal would keep him out of jail.

Additionally, Hunter was known to have been abusing crack cocaine at the time he was criminally charged with the gun purchase.

“The defendant has agreed to plead guilty to both counts of the tax Information,” the prosecutors wrote back in June in the letter filed in a Wilmington, Delaware, federal court. “The defendant has agreed to enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement with respect to the firearm Information,” the letter continues.

Two of the counts carry a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and the third carries a maximum of five years.

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