Mamas Uncut

Huma Abedin Says Her Rage Towards Ex-Husband Anthony Weiner ‘Almost Killed Me’

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Huma Abedin recently opened up about the rage she had felt toward her ex-husband, former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner and how it “almost killed me.”

In an interview on CBS Sunday Morning, Abedin relayed to Norah O’Donnell how she briefly contemplated suicide during her marriage to Weiner, 57, after her then-husband was involved in multiple sex scandals. 

In the interview, which aired Sunday, Abedin spoke about their marriage and his many infidelities.

Abedin and Weiner began dating in 2007. One evening, the two were thinking about possibly getting married, Abedin said she discovered “a very flirtatious text” from a woman she had never met before.

“I was shocked,” she told O’Donnell. “And I showed it to him right away and said, ‘What is this? Can you explain this to me?’ And he did. You know, he was a public personality and [said] that people communicated with him all the time.”

But Abedin and Weiner married anyway in July 2010. And a year later, while Abedin was pregnant with the couple’s first child, a photo of Weiner in his underwear appeared on his Twitter page.

Huma Abedin Says Her Rage Towards Ex-Husband Anthony Weiner 'Almost Killed Me'
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Weiner had lied a few times about how the image appeared on his page, but ultimately confessed to posting it himself accidentally while attempting to message another woman. Not long after, Weiner resigned as a U.S. representative and sought therapy.

And then, in 2013, Weiner was caught in another sex scandal while running for mayor of New York City.

“My world exploded again in the most unexpected, shocking, humiliating, horrible way,” Abedin said to O’Donnell. “We crossed a threshold. It was just surviving at that point.”

Abedin stood by Weiner at the time. After Weiner came in last place in the mayoral primary, they moved into a duplex and each took a separate floor. But Abedin would go on to discover a phone that revealed he had been having physical relationships with women in their apartment.

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But Abedin was crushed when another sex scandal surfaced involving her estranged husband arose during the final days of the 2016 presidential election when Abedin was a top aide for then-Democratic candidate Clinton.

“Anthony,” she recited a quote from her book during the CBS Sunday Morning, “if [Clinton] loses the election, it will be because of you and me.”

Abedin also remembered writing a single line in her notebook that same evening: “I don’t know how I’m going to survive this. Help me God.”

She went on to file for a divorce on the same day Weiner pleaded guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor in May 2017. Weiner served 18 months in prison for the underage texts.

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But now, Abedin said things between her and Weiner “are good,” these days.

“One of the best things I’ve had in my life is my faith and the belief that there’s always a way through,” Abedin said.

“We’re co-parenting,” she shared about their 9-year-old son Jordan, “and I learned the full truth. I processed it, and I’ve moved on and I wish him well.”

When O’Donnell asked her, “you’re not angry with him?” Abedin replied: “I can’t live in that space anymore. I tried that. It almost killed me.”

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