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Nearly 11 Years After Publishing Her Essay ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ Author Stands Trial for Husband’s Death

Nearly 11 Years After Publishing Her Essay ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ Author Stands Trial for Husband’s Death

In 2011, romance novelist Nancy Crampton Brophy wrote an essay titled How to Murder Your Husband. The essay discusses different motives for murdering your husband and various ways to get the job done.

Towards the end of the article, Brophy writes, “I find it is easier to wish people dead than to actually kill them. I don’t want to worry about blood and brains splattered on my walls. And really, I’m not good at remembering lies.” 

She then continued, by adding, “But the thing I know about murder is that every one of us has it in him/her when pushed far enough.”

Now, Brophy is on trial for the 2018 shooting death of her husband, Daniel Brophy. As the Washington Examiner reports, Nancy is accused of shooting Daniel to obtain his $1.4 million life insurance policy. 

Brophy was originally arrested in connection to his alleged murder on September 5, 2018. At the time of his death, the Brophy family was struggling financially.

Nearly 11 Years After Publishing Her Essay ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ Author Stands Trial for Husband’s Death

Both guns and finances are mentioned in Brophy’s essay. “Financial (this is big): Divorce is expensive, and do you really want to split your possessions,” Brophy wrote. “Or if you married for money, aren’t you entitled to all of it? The drawback is the police aren’t stupid. They are looking at you first. So you have to be organized, ruthless and very clever. Husbands have disappeared from cruise ships before. Why not yours?”

Brophy also wrote, “Guns – loud, messy, require some skill. If it takes 10 shots for the sucker to die, either you have terrible aim or he’s on drugs.”

However, her defense attorney says Nancy’s financial situation only got worse after her husband’s passing. “Nancy Crampton Brophy has always been thoroughly, madly, crazy in love with Daniel Brophy, and she still is today.”

It was decided by a judge prior to opening statements that the prosecution could not use Nancy’s 2011 essay as evidence against her. Circuit Judge Christopher Ramras made the decision after defense attorneys argued it was merely “circumstantial,” the Examiner reports.

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According to KOIN, evidence that was made available during the trial so far revealed Nancy’s van being caught on security cameras near Daniel’s place of work and the family had recently purchased a gun, prosecutors noted during the trial. Detectives also discussed their initial questioning and Nancy’s behavior during that questioning.

While discussing the new gun, KOIN reports that Nancy told detectives that “It was heavy and it felt terrible. Frankly, I couldn’t imagine ever needing it.” She also claimed that “there was still a piece of plastic attached to it” which proves it was never used.

Nancy also proved helpful, although very emotional, when talking with detectives. Nancy reportedly told detectives “that even if detectives find the person who killed her husband, it won’t bring him back.” She added, “I want him back! That’s the part I want. I don’t care who shot him. I just want him back.” 

The trial is entering its seventh day on April 13. It is expected to wrap up sometime this week.

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