Mamas Uncut

Advice? How Long Did Your Baby Stay In Your Room With You?

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QUESTION: How long did your baby stay in your room with you?

“How long did you keep your baby in your room with you? What did they sleep in, a next to me crib or a Moses basket? When were they moved to their own room/cot? First-time mama here and trying to work out what the best sleeping arrangement is as there isn’t a lot of space in my bedroom. Thank you.”

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Advice? How Long Did Your Baby Stay In Your Room With You?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“My daughter slept with me in my bed until 4 months, slept in her bed (rock n play or play pin in my room) from 4-8 months, started sleeping back with me from around 8-ish months to 11 months. Now she’s a year and in my her own room.”

“I’ll let you know when we boot him out. Two years and counting of not only in our room, but in our bed lol.”

“We had the babies in their crib from day 1. We moved their cribs to their own room around 6 months.”

“My baby is almost 11m and in her crib. Which is perfectly beside my bed. I’m in no hurry.”

“My daughter stayed in my room till she was about 6-7 months (bassinet then playpen for a little while). She is my first baby and I was just paranoid about it at night but she did nap in her room (crib) since she was 3 1/3 months. Looking back on it now, with the second I think I’ll switch the baby to their room sooner than the 6-month mark.”

“My first baby (she is almost 2 now) slept in a bed co-sleeper for the first month or 2 then we moved her to the pack and play with the raised mattress bar thing until she was able to sit up. Then we lowered the mattress to bottom of pack and play and she slept in there til she turned 1. When she turned 1 we moved her to her crib that was all the way lowered. She has been there ever since so almost a year in her own room.”

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