Mamas Uncut

I Had a C-Section 4 Weeks Ago, So When Can I Have Sex Again?

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QUESTION: How long after birth can you have sex?

“So I had a C-Section 4 weeks tomorrow, and I wondered how long most would wait to have sex afterward? I’m practically done bleeding and have been healing very well in the sense that I’m not sore anywhere. I know it says to wait 4-6 weeks after, but I don’t see my gynecologist for the postpartum appointment until after six weeks. I just wanted people’s opinions! Thank you.

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I Had a C-Section 4 Weeks Ago, So When Can I Have Sex Again?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

You had major abdominal surgery and a massive wound on the inside of your uterus from when your placenta detached. Wait. The. 6. Weeks. You have to heal or you could get infections!”

“I had sex 4 weeks after and no issues. If you feel ready go for it but take it easy.”

“So with each of mine were different. First was the full 6 weeks, second was maybe 4 weeks. (Those were natural births). The third was an emergency c-section and I waited 6 weeks. You’re supposed to actually wait 8 weeks for a c-section. But 6 weeks is the grey area. So I really say when you feel no pain when moving from your c-section, when it doesn’t hurt to exercise and workout, when going for long walks doesn’t make anything hurt, and do kegels. I know it seems dumb but you’ll thank me later when you don’t pee yourself when laughing. Remember you had a major abdominal surgery where they cut through 7 layers. Take it easy.”

“I would definitely wait to be cleared by your doctor. I had 4 natural births, my third was rough and I wasn’t cleared until 9 weeks and it was extremely painful. There are major risks, that’s why your doctor tells you to wait. I definitely understand your hormones are going crazy, but better safe than sorry, hun. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.”

“We all have different opinions on this but personally I would wait until your appointment with your doctor. You are super fertile after giving birth so it may be your best bet to wait until you get on birth control.”

“Wait for your doctor to clear you after your c-section, no need to risk infection that could cause serious complications.”

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