Mamas Uncut

How Should I Handle This? How Do You Tell Another Woman Her Husband Cheated?

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QUESTION: How do you tell another woman her husband cheated?

“HI, I am trying to figure out how to tell a woman that her husband I worked with has cheated on her not once but twice in the last two years. Do you reach out to facebook’s personal accounts to do this?? I don’t really know the woman, but I would like her to know the truth.”

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How Should I Handle This? How Do You Tell Another Woman Her Husband Cheated?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“She deserves to know.He could be having unprotected sex and taking his germs home to her.”

“I actually did contact a woman before to tell her about her husband I worked with. Her response was, ‘Why are you telling me this?! Are you trying to break up my marriage?’ I just thought she’d appreciate being told about it but apparently not. I felt better I did contact her because I would want to know if my significant other was being unfaithful. To this day they’re still together.”

“I would have been so grateful if someone had told me. I wouldn’t have been upset with the person who did tell me. Because I looked stupid for 5 years thinking he was faithful.”

“It doesn’t sound like you know these people very well if at all, so stay out of it. For all you know, she is aware. It’s really none of your business.”

“I just can’t believe a majority of you would leave his poor wife in the dark because it’s ‘none of your business,’ yet not one of you are saying he’s a disgusting disrespectful pig who is the one ultimately hurting his wife by going with at least 2 other women by cheating! If it was me I’d want to know, a no anonymous or not! What is wrong with you people, happily see the poor lass get treated like dirt because you wouldn’t want the backlash from it. Be kind went out the window then eh?”

“My ex-husband cheated on me and I found out through an ‘anonymous’ person that ended up being the girl’s coworker as well BUT I was stupid and let him convince me it didn’t happen which could happen in this case too. The truth eventually came out but I’m glad someone tried to tell me he was cheating, lol. We are divorced now though, lol.”

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