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Q&A: How Do I Get Over The Fear Of Having Another Miscarriage?

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“I’m six weeks two days. Had a miscarriage in November. Weren’t really trying for this one. But still very glad I’m pregnant. How do I get over the fear of having a miscarriage again? I just feel like everything I do could cause one. I know if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen no matter what, but still. I was just trying to get past my fears.

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How Do I Get Over The Fear Of Having Another Miscarriage?
Image via Shutterstock

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Honestly I bought a doppler. Whenever I got anxious I would listen to his heart beat. Don’t panic if you can’t find it at first tho, takes some time. And I didn’t find his heart beat until 12 weeks.”

“You don’t. It’s unfortunate. But focus on building a support system and opening up to your obgyn. I had two losses before my daughter and it never went away until she was in my arms.”

“Miscarriages are very hard! And nothing can prepare you for it..I had a miscarriage that was weird my levels would go up then go down then skyrocket…they thought it was ectopic but ended up needing surgery..and the baby came back being a viable pregnancy…we weren’t trying to get pregnant again but accidents happen and a month later I was pregnant again with a happy healthy baby came out of it in the end…but I was miserable my whole pregnancy with anxiety because I didn’t wanna lose another but once I hit the safe zone I felt a sense of relief…honey you will get there don’t give up.”

“I had 3 miscarriages and then got pregnant with my now 3 month old son. Idk if you’re religious, but what got me through was a lot of faith and a lot of prayer. Took it day by day. Good luck.”

“I went through 2. I blamed myself both times. I don’t know what I could have done differently to avoid either. I had a lot of rest during my third pregnancy. I spoke to my doctor about my fears and he gave me medication.”

“I don’t believe the fear ever goes away. I had a ectopic pregnancy years ago. When I did become pregnant again I was terrified. My dr was so understanding. The extra ultrasounds to make sure my daughter was where she belonged. The extra phone calls to vent my concerns. I found the most helpful thing was a support group on Facebook I had found and all the success stories after. I really believe it happens for a reason.”

“Just take a deep breath and relax. There’s a great app called Count the Kicks you can use later in the pregnancy. It helps you determine if the baby is kicking enough.”

“The fear will never go away, I had to experience 11..yes 11 of them…I have 2 boys 20yrs & 13 yrs…I know that with support, love and caring you will be blessed with a beautiful baby..”

“I had a hard time getting exciting when I was pregnant with my daughter. Honestly, up until I delivered I kept telling myself, don’t get to attached after having 2 miscarriages earlier in the year. I’m 38 and unless it’s a surprise, I highly doubt I’ll be pregnant again. I really didn’t let myself enjoy my pregnancy, and I regret that. It’s hard, but try to relax as you get further along, so you don’t rob yourself of the experience. I know it’s hard.”

“I had three before I got pregnant with my daughter. I was afraid every day of my pregnancy. but the fear wasn’t as intense as time went on. I can’t say it will go away, even after your kid is born you still have some fear of losing them. It just shows how much you love your baby. I wish you the best!”

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