Mamas Uncut

What All Should I Pack in My Hospital Bag Ahead of My Due Date?

A mom writes in asking for advice about packing a hospital bag. She asks other moms in the community what they forgot to pack in their hospital bags ahead of giving birth that they regret not packing. She adds that she is 36-weeks pregnant and does not want to forget anything important. Below, we’ve rounded up some great advice from the community about what should be included in a hospital bag, but here is a good checklist to look over as well.

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A member of the community asks:

“What did you pack in your hospital bag?”

“What are some things you didn’t pack in your hospital bag that you wish you would have? I am 36 weeks and finally packing my bag and don’t want to forget anything.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know What She Should Pack in Her Hospital Bag Before Her Due Date

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

What All Should I Pack in My Hospital Bag Ahead of My Due Date?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“The one thing that I did not think about to bring was something nice to wear for me and my husband for the photos the hospital takes… you know, the overpriced ones that you end up buying lol. I had something cute for my baby, but I was in a pink hoodie sweatshirt and my husband had a sleeveless t-shirt on… lol. They are still great though.”

“I had a diaper, wet wipes, a few clothes for the baby and I. Feeding bottles. But fortunately, that is not needed when I gave birth. The hospital provided everything for the baby even the milk and the clothes. I only have to prepare for my clothes. Turns out, that is how giving birth is in Japan.”

“You don’t need a lot. Mainly comfy clothes to go home in, a charger, snacks, and clothes for baby to wear home. It’s much easier to be in your hospital gown. They provide pads and diapers for baby. I brought baby’s diaper bag that had clothes and everything else for baby but didn’t need anything except one outfit. Also, bring soap and shampoo and conditioner and toothbrush.”

“Toiletries! Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, elastics, the hairbrush. I swear to god I forget this stuff every single time for all 3 kids & cursed myself every time!”

“Extra long phone charger. I had a 10 ft one. You never know where plugs will be in the rooms.”

“I packed everything but the kitchen sink (multiple changes of clothes, pillows, my blanket, chapstick, snacks, drinks, entertainment, gum, flashlight, and a headlamp to walk around the birthing center at night, my aromatherapy diffuser, essential oils, ice packs, heat packs, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, all the stuff in the diaper bag, hairbrush, hair ties and clips, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and much much more). Truth be told, I never even opened the bag until it was time to leave so I could get dressed. I was only at the birthing center for 2 hours before my son was born and a couple of hours after.”

“Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash! Labor left me sweaty and my hair was a tangled mess! The hospital supplies these items, they are not luxurious, to say the least.”

“With COVID I would recommend bringing a laptop with a speaker and Netflix logged in. I was induced. My husband and I were stuck in the room bored the television channels sucked. We brought the laptop and watched Netflix for hours.”

“Comfy clothes with stretchy waist pants. Some kind of hand held back massage tool for your coach/husband/baby daddy to use if you have back labor. Pack your own toiletries because hospital stuff sucks. Clothes for baby to go home with, blankets and don’t forget to bring that car seat. They won’t let you leave the hospital until they know baby is safely and correctly buckled in one.”

“I WAAAAAY overpacked, I brought like 10 outfits because I didn’t know how anything would fit afterward, didn’t know if it would be hot or cold at night, cute outfits for during the day. In reality, I wore the same nightgown until it was time to leave. I also did not need to bring makeup, my skincare, I don’t even think I washed my hair. I am glad I took snacks and wish I took more. I was starving constantly, and the meals they served were not great or filling, and I would randomly get hungry in the middle of the night when the cafeteria was closed.”

“For each kid, my bag got smaller. All you need is a toothbrush and clothes to go home in.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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