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25 Horror Movie Inspired Baby Names for Boys for Your Little Devil

With Halloween just around the corner, we decided to lean into the spooky season by considering some of our favorite names and characters from horror movies. Which of these names would actually be appropriate for your son? We think we’ve found the right balance between chilling and practical. These baby names should conjure images of fright, but also sound cordial.

We surveyed monikers from classic horror movies to more contemporary hits to give you a mix to consider. You’ll find names from certified canon like Evil Dead and newer offerings like Get Out. Here are 25 baby names for boys inspired by some of the greatest horror movies ever made!

25. Arash

25 Horror Movie Inspired Baby Names for Boys for Your Little Dark Prince

Have you seen A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, yet? It’s a reimagined vampire story that’s unlike any horror movie you’ll ever see. A female vampire, known simply as “the girl,” befriends a young man named Arash. The name has a storied history in the epic Persian book of legends, the Shah Nameh (Letter Of The Kings). It means “shining.”

24. Ash

If Arash seems like a stretch, consider the trusty name Ash. This English name means “ash tree.” Let’s see can you think of any chainsaw-wielding characters with this name? Ah, yes! Ash from the Evil Dead franchise makes for a hero that you could proudly name your son after.

23. Bates

Norman Bates has an excellent name and we think his last makes for an exciting first. Don’t worry, naming your son Bates won’t guarantee a little psycho! Bates is a diminutive of Bartholomew which has Aramaic origins and means “son of the furrow.”

22. Bruno

Name your favorite talking mouse! Go! We have a soft spot for the gluttonous Bruno in The Witches. Bruno is a wonderful German name that merely means “brown.”

21. Chris

Chris Washington begins to notice things are off after he arrives at his girlfriend Rose’s family home. As he begins to pick up on certain clues that they might not be who they seem, the situation reaches a boiling point. Get Out is an incredible film and it’s protagonist, Chris has an affable name. Chris is an English name that means “one who carries Christ.”

20. Cole

The English name Cole means “coal black.” The handsome name belonged to a character who could commune with the dead in The Sixth Sense. Don’t expect any huge plot twists or surprises with this easy, attractive name.

19. Dalton

The creepy kid from Insidious, Dalton, gets into an astral projection mess and his family must save him. Dalton is a pleasant English name that means “the settlement in the valley.” We hope no evil spirits are trapped there. Moreover, we hope it is not The Further.

18. Damien

We’re on a roll with spooky kid names starting with D. Damien is yet another child that’s been kissed by darkness in The Omen. Don’t let him get behind you on the stairs! Damien has Greek origins and means “to tame.”

17. Danny

So, we didn’t intend for this to morph into a scary kid list! We promise we’ll stop scaring you from choosing these cursed names. Danny Torrance’s imaginary friend let him see more than he wanted in The Shining. If you choose this name do not let your little Danny play with twins or enter room number 237. Danny is a playful form of Daniel that means “God is my judge.”

16. Elias

Elias and Lukas are twins who aren’t coping well in Goodnight Mommy. They are such scary little boys! Elias makes for a handsome moniker. It’s the Greek form of Hebrew, Elijah which means “Yahweh is God.” If you choose this name, you’re never allowed to get plastic surgery.

15. Freddy

Finally, a character that is not himself a child, but instead would like to harm them! Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street is pure nightmare fuel. Freddy is a short form of Frederick which means “peaceful ruler.” If you pick this name, you can teach your little Freddy to count with the “One, Two Freddy’s Coming for You” song!

14. Gabe

If you’ve seen Us, you’ll recall a certain action-packed scene on a boat between Gabe Wilson and his doppelganger. It’s one of the most thrilling things we’ve ever seen! Additionally, the sometimes goofy patriarch of the family is one of the best characters in the film. Gabe is a short form of Gabriel, a Hebrew name that means “God is my strength.”

13. Hannibal

Hannibal, Hannibal, Hannibal. A few actors have taken a stab at this character but the best-known is probably Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of the Lambs. Additionally, fannibals of the TV series have enjoyed Mads Mikkelsen‘s turn with the role. Hannibal has Assyrian origins and means “grace of Baal” or “god of fertility and fortune.”

12. Ichabod

Ichabod is a name that’s unfortunate for a number of reasons. It sounds like “icky bod.” Ew. It also has a negative meaning from Hebrew, “the glory is gone.” Further, the name belonged to Ichabod Crane who comes up against a headless horseman in Sleepy Hollow. Further, that character was played by the very disappointing Johnny Depp. Okay, maybe just skip “ick.”

11. Jack

Not only did Danny make the list, but papa Jack did too. In The Shining, Jack writes about himself becoming a “dull boy” but actually he turns into a monster. Jack is an English name and an alternative form of John which means “God is gracious.”

10. Jason

In real life, we’ve only ever met good Jasons. But, on screen we’ve seen one of the scariest characters with the name. Get your son a hockey mask because he’ll be getting big Jason Voorhees energy with this Friday the 13th inspired name. Jason has Greek origins and means “to heal.” Wow! This name is really not fitting for the character!

9. Jim

Jim woke up to a whole new reality in 28 Days Later. The zombie apocalypse had already begun and it was certainly a rude awakening. Jim is an English diminutive of James which means “supplanter.” Don’t let this little one take a nibble out of you!

8. Malachi

In the campy 1980s adaptation of Stephen King’s horror story, the name is spelled Malachai. Do not use this spelling. It sounds like you’re describing a bad cup of chai tea. Instead, keep the spirit of Children of the Corn but spell it, Malachi, instead. The Hebrew name means “my messenger.”

7. Michael

Your little one won’t be able to celebrate Halloween with a name inspired by Michael Myers. The risk would just be too great! You should also discourage the wearing of masks (if we ever get through this pandemic). Michael is a Hebrew name that means “who is like God.” Which, Myers is very much not.

6. Mitch

Mitch is another form of Mitchell which itself is a form of Michael. Mitch does not just belong to old, evil, men! It also belongs to the protagonist of The Birds, Mitch Brenner. Mitch would be someone you could count on in a storm (of birds).

5. Oskar

A bullied, lonely boy named Oskar is befriended by a mysterious girl with a taste for blood in Let the Right One In. One of Sweden’s most popular horror exports, this film and its protagonist, Oskar, is a tender look at the need for friendship. Oskar has German origins and means “God spear.”

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4. Pan

Pan the mystical creature from Pan’s Labyrinth is also known as El Fauno. The creature informs Ofelia of her true identity as Princess Moanna. He looks sorts of terrifying while doing it, but we’re here for the name. Pan can be found in both Greek and Hindi and means “all” or “shepherd.”

3. Peter

Peter is a Greek name that means “rock.” The character of Peter in Hereditary was far from solid. Instead, he is tormented by bizarre occurrences and ghastly visions. He did end up with a crown for better or worse!

2. Samuel

We’re returning to scary child territory once more for this name. Samuel, a troubled boy who becomes haunted by a figure in a children’s book called The Babadook, is one high-strung kid that we’d love to know. Samuel has Hebrew origins and means “told by God.” If you pick this name, no books are allowed, ever. Also, be sure to closely monitor your child as they might have a knack for crafting weapons.

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1. Shigeharn

Shigeharn is a Japanese name that can mean different things depending on the kanji chosen for it. Commonly, you’ll find “luxuriant sun” as a popular choice. In the terrifying film, Audition, Shigeharn is simply trying to find love after being widowed. Instead, he finds himself all tied up. A child with this name should be forbidden from playing or being put in large cloth sacks.

There you go! 25 horror movie-inspired names for boys that we think you’ll love to hate! We genuinely like each name on this list and even if you don’t want it associated with a frightening flick, it will still work!

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