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25 Hilarious Memes That Prove the Holidays Are the Most Stressful Time of Year for All Parents Everywhere

25 Hilarious Memes That Prove the Holidays Are the Most Stressful Time of Year for All Parents Everywhere

‘Tis the season to be jolly so take some time to catch up on some hilarious, holiday parenting memes. With all the decorating, gift-giving, cooking, and more it can seem like the holidays are an endless to-do list.

But, you can add one more thing to your list! Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and check out these holiday parenting memes.

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25 Parenting Memes About the Insanity That Is the Holidays

When you try the free-range approach.

Don’t think we could do it!

When spreading joy means spending hard-earned cash.

Who knew those numbers could get so low?

When you know the secret to a good family Christmas photo.

The classic tell.

When you want the father of your children to have realistic expectations.

If it’s not on Prime, you’re probably not getting it. Just saying.

When real moms host a Christmas party for other real moms.

Going to a party doesn’t always feel like, you know, going to a party. It doesn’t have to be that way!

When you’re on your third child.

If we have to sit through one more of these f***ing things…

When you solve your own existential crisis.

Moms are literally the magic that makes the holidays. Don’t forget it.

When a parent’s work is never over.

Can I get a refund?

When you live and let live.

Honestly, those decorations are a cry for help. Be sympathetic.

RELATED: 10 Hilarious Parenting Memes for When You’re Desperately Craving Alone Time

When the “Little Drummer Boy” slaps.

Parenthood really puts some things in perspective, you know?

When a stable home is the best gift for a child.

It wouldn’t hurt anyone to be more appreciative of the things we already have.

When everything old is new again.

Cost-effective, plus you get to skip all the checkout lines and shipping fees!

When the elf’s reign has ended.

Given that Elf on a Shelf is a relatively new trend, it’s wild how it feels like he’s been around forever.

When you’re doing your best.

Pro-tip: Use those boxes to ship gifts to other people!

When the delivery anxiety is real.

Oh no, he’s gonna see the damage before I have a chance to explain…

When you try and look good for the Christmas photo.

After looking through all of the photos, though, it turned out that was actually the best option…

When you do what it takes to get the job done.

We power through!

When one’s enough.

Are you mad? If surviving the holidays with one kid is this hard, why would we add another into the mix?!

When in-laws are ruining the holiday mood.

Can’t wait for the extended family to go back to where they came from…

When Christmas has you feeling the feels.

Light ’em up…

When people don’t understand Christmas etiquette.

Don’t bother unless you come bearing gifts, tbh.

When you listen to the mouths of babes.

*Grits teeth*

When it’s time for a winter break, but for mom.

The chaos is going to happen regardless, so you may as well find a way to enjoy the show.

When Christmas comes at you fast.

LOL at people who think Christmas day is relaxing for the whole fam.

When you’re the real reason for the season.

We’ll end up in the pile with the unwanted socks, probably.

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