Mamas Uncut

Hilary Duff Talks Preparing for Baby #3 During Pandemic

Hilary Duff has been very busy during the pandemic. On the kid front, the Younger star is pregnant with her third child, had to quarantine after getting exposed to COVID-19, is managing remote schooling for her eight-year-old son Luca Cruz and potty-training her two-year-old Banks Violet.

She also started a new job at Chief Brand Officer for Happy Little Camper Baby, celebrated her one year wedding anniversary with husband Matthew Koma and got a new puppy.

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Hilary Duff Talks Preparing for Baby #3 During Pandemic

Like moms around the world, Duff has been figuring out new ways on how to balance family life and work life during the past nine months. Fortunately, she’s felt well during her third pregnancy which makes taking care of all of the above a bit easier.

“This pregnancy feels easier because there was a lot of fear with bringing a new baby home when Lucy was already 6 1/2,” the Lizzie McGuire star told People. “I’m more tired because of having a toddler, but have less time to focus on the pregnancy because I’m busy with my kids and work. It’s a nice distraction because I’m not googling everything and obsessing over everything that’s happening with the pregnancy.”

Duff admitted that she doesn’t always love being pregnant, but has a newfound respect for her body through this pregnancy.

“I’m not one of those women who loves being pregnant by any means, but I appreciate what my body’s doing for me and our family,” she said. “So any given day, it varies between me missing my body that I get to put really cute clothes on, or feeling at peace that this is probably the last time that I’m going to be pregnant and trying to enjoy how sweet this time can be.”

The soon-to-be-family-of-five has been using this time together to prepare for the baby.

“There’s a security in knowing what we need with having a newborn in the house since we kind of were just there with Banks. Both kids are super-excited about the new baby and that’s a comfort I didn’t have the first time around,” Duff added.

Though Duff did note that Luca and Banks are preparing for the arrival of their new sibling in different ways at this point.

“Luca was pumped! He’s very patient and obsessed with Banks. We just casually told him one weekend and he was ‘8-year-old cool boy excited’,” Duff said.

Her daughter, though, “is aware there’s a baby in my belly … but I’m not sure she knows what’s coming for her.”

No in the family knows, though, whether they’ll be having a boy or a girl.

“We had a gender reveal with Banks and it was such a fun memory,” the singer said. “Unfortunately, during these times we felt it wasn’t really appropriate. The way we are creating some excitement within the family is to wait to find out the sex on the baby’s birthday! It’s a mixture of friends who are excited about the surprise and then some who are just really annoyed with us. Luca is falling under the annoyed category!” (He’s hoping for a boy, she says, “so he can share all his old toys.”)

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