15 Hilarious Food Memes That Will Make You Feel Better About Eating That Extra Slice of Pie

Admit it. The best part about the holidays is the food. Home-cooked meals, traditional dishes, beloved family recipes, and plenty of pie help make the season so sweet. Now, this year will be different as we all learn to celebrate the holidays under different limitations, but that doesn’t mean you’re skipping the food. We hope you’re planning something special, even if it’s a small treat for yourself.

Due to the holiday past time of eating too much, many people have been creating memes about their relationship to food. Whether it’s eating to access or simply people griping about their cooking skills, there’s no shortage of goofy memes out this month that poke fun at all of us and our love of food. Here are 15 very funny memes about food that bring the relatability you desperately need and want this holiday season.


15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@thats__so__meme (Source)

You know staying healthy means making smart choices about your diet throughout the holidays. However, your friend who insisted on starting a brand new diet weeks ahead of the feasts might just be a sociopath. Don’t be like this cute chimp. Instead, live your best life (in moderation).

New Vocabulary

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@girlsprobzz (Source)

We’ve never thought to describe our mouth as “lonely,” but we don’t hate that idea. It sounds much better than explaining that you’re just eating out of boredom. We shall adopt this Japanese gem of a concept!

Great Idea

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@bitcheswhomeme (Source)

It’s the holidays, live your life. Just know that once you take another taste of some leftover stuffing or dressing, there’s no turning back.

Dress to Impress

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@some_bull_ish (Source)

While this says more about someone feeling out of place and being over-the-top, we were completely enchanted by this little girl. How did she create this mac-and-cheese masterpiece? We’d like this outfit for all the holiday parties next year.


15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@institut.za.nutricionistiko (Source)

Deep stuff, here. If you find a tomatoes in your fruit salad this year, you have every right to run as someone most assuredly trying to bring you mortal harm.

Snack Attack

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@that_soo_relatable (Source)

We don’t know about you, but the winter months are always a stressful time for any article of clothing with a waistline. Actually, all buttons are this scared throughout the season. Bring on the latkes!

So True

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@themakeupcoverss (Source)

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of cooking a bag of spinach that’s the size of your torso down to a speck, you’ll feel this meme deeply. It’s amazing how much water is in these leaves!

We Feel Seen

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@some_bull_ish (Source)

This meme speaks for itself, but we must agree. The very first thing you’d expect to see us doing after awaking from a coma would be inhaling cheese. Totally normal.

Happier Times

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@some_bull_ish (Source)

Waxing poetic about pizza rolls is something we all do, right? “No, I’m an adult,” you say. And, to that we must reply, “Not a good one.”


15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@sanantoniomunchies (Source)

If you’re not a cook, this year might present some serious challenges. Those dishes from your aunties, uncles, grandmas, and others might not make it to a table near you. Do your best with what you know!


15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@some_bull_ish (Source)

Now, I’m not sure that condiments have ever turned into Leonardo DiCaprio, but we’ve certainly felt their stinging judgement. Don’t let mustard keep you from trying to find magic in this world.

Dessert Does Not Count

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@william.and.bentley (Source)

This is a holiday meal in a nutshell. Dessert doesn’t count. There’s always room for it.

Life Choices

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@mentionitallb (Source)

Each your trail mix however you please. We’re never going to judge your for chocolate.


15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@memeig__ (Source)

We have never actually met anyone with one of these apple cutter tools and now we know why. The holidays wouldn’t be the holidays with a food mishap or two. It’s the rules.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Funny Memes to Get Us Through the Hectic Holidays

The Realness

15 Hilarious Food Memes to Celebrate Thanksgiving
@flavortownusa (Source)

Now, there’s a time and place for an oatmeal raisin cookie. That time is not when you’re expecting a chocolate chip one. When expectations meet a sad reality, lives are changed. Should we all just go into eating a cookie with the expectation is that it’s a raisin one to be pleasantly surprised by the better outcome? Did we just invent pessimism?

There you go! 15 food memes to help you settle into this very gastronomy-heavy holiday. Be kind to yourself and enjoy every taste of the season!

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