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Wife of Famous Actor Reveals He ‘Shushed’ Her While Giving Birth to His Child

Wife of Famous Actor Reveals He ‘Shushed’ Her While Giving Birth to His Child

Image via Shutterstock

During birth, Alec Baldwin quickly learned what not to do, his wife, Hilaria Baldwin revealed. When it comes to giving birth, if your partner is present, they should be nothing but supportive. After all, you’re giving birth to their child and that is far from an easy feat.

Recently, a story from the Mirror has gone viral after a woman revealed that she instantly knew her marriage was over when her husband “shushed” her during labor. As the Mirror reported, the post was shared on a Facebook group called, That’s it, I’m MF spouse shaming.

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As the original comment revealed, “When he told me to shush during labor. I had a sudden flash of clarity and I knew I would be raising this baby alone because I deserved better. [It] still took me a year to get to the breakup, but I never forgot that moment of certainty.”

Hilaria Baldwin Reveals Alec Baldwin Shushed Her During One of Her Birthing Experiences

After stumbling upon the article herself, Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Baldwin, is admitting she can relate to this woman. As the mom of six admitted, Alec also shushed her during one of her birthing experiences.

And while Alec’s actions weren’t necessarily a moment of clarity for Hilaria and it didn’t end their marriage, Hilaria admitted she nipped his behavior in the bud real quick. Wow!

“When Alec shushed me while I was in labor with Rafa, he was on the phone. ‘Shush! Can you keep it down,’” Hilaria Baldwin explained on her Instagram Story.

“The moment he said it, he realized he sounded like an ass and he cowered,” Hilaria continued. She joked that although his actions understandably shocked her, she decided to “keep the marriage and went on to have 522 babies after.”

Now Hilaria has a new rule for when she gives birth. “I permit him in after I get the epidural. I’ll spare you the details of my reaction for now, but it never happened again,” Hilaria concluded. 

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We can only imagine the magnitude of Hilaria’s reaction. And so to all the future partners out there, do your best to avoid putting your own comfort over theirs, after all, what they are going through is almost unimaginable.

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