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Herb and Spice Baby Names Are the Latest Trend, Check Our Tasteful Favorites!

Herb and spice baby names have taken off in the US over the last several years. These botanical appellations have long been popular across Europe and it has taken American parents some time to catch up. While recognizable and accessible, many herb and spice baby names are extremely rare, making them great options for parents who are looking for names that feel unique and often singular.

We decided to take a closer look at botanical names to discover the best ones that have associations with herbs and spices. And, let us just say, they are absolutely delicious! These names are evocative of aromas, flavors, and even tastes. That makes them some of the most compelling appellations you can give your child. Take a look at our tasteful finds to find a scrumptious name for your little one.


Herb and Spice Baby Names

Sesame is a name that is common in France but most Americans only associate it with the seed or a kid-friendly street. We think it has so much potential as a given name and you will get the option to use “Sam” or “Sammy” as a nickname.


Now, there are not a ton of herb and spice names that are just for boys but there are some! Valerian is one such name and it once belonged to a Roman Emperor. Valerian is an herb that has long been used for its sedative properties.


One of our very favorite herb and spice names for girls, Cicely has never been widely favored in the US but it did enjoy its best years in the 1970s. Cicely shares the same Latin root as Cecilia which means “blind.” Cicely is an herbaceous plant with a strong flavor similar to anise.


Dill is a common nickname for Dillon which makes it feel like it could work as a name for boys. Now, we must point out that Dillon is a unisex name so if you like the name Dill for a girl, you would be in safe territory. Dill is one of the most delicious herbs on the planet and we think the name is equally as appealing.


Nigella seeds are tiny, black seeds that are sometimes called black caraway. The Latin root of Nigella means “black.” Some might consider the name a feminine form of Nigel but we think Nigella is an infinitely better name and it deserves its herb and spice association.


Laurel is a unisex option that is going to be beautiful for any baby. Laurel is a gentle, botanical option and a reference to the “bay tree.” In addition to being a prized herb in antiquity, the laurel plant was a symbol of peace and prosperity to the ancient Romans who used the leaves to make crowns.


Fennel could work for girls but we think the Finn- sound makes it appropriate for baby boys. Fennel is one of the most scrumptious herbs that is used around the world for its distinct flavor. The name comes from a Latin root that translates to “little hay.” This name is extremely rare so you will be charting relatively new territory if you decide to go with it.


Rue is yet another one of the herb and spice names that can go to any baby. Rue is of Latin origin and refers to the plant but also means “regret.” The herbal plant, Rue was discovered by the Romans and has been cherished for its medicinal properties. It was thought that the plant sharpened vision and treated epilepsy.


The most popular herb and spice name on this list, Jasmine has been a widely used name for girls since the 1970s. Jasmine is a gorgeous flower and its blossoms are used to impart floral aroma to teas and other beverages. The name originated in Persian and it is often considered to mean “gift of God.”


Marjoram is a herb and flower name that has never been extremely popular in the US. But, with the name Marigold on the rise again, perhaps it is time for Marjoram to be considered as a winning option. Marjoram is a delightful herb that pairs well with lemon and is often used in savory dishes. There are a whole host of nickname possibilities here from Marj to Jo.


Caraway is one of the herb and spice names for babies that is unisex. Caraway seeds are an extremely popular spice that can be found baked into rye bread or dusting a bagle. This name has gone virtually unused in the US but we think there is potential here.


Ginger peaked as a given name in the US in the 1970s and we are sad that it has fallen from favor. Once considered a nickname for Virginia, Ginger feels much more energetic and tasty than its parent form. Ginger is used in countless applications from tea to stir fry.


Lavender smells like a dream and we think it makes for a dreamy name as well. Lavender is one of the flower names that has gone overlooked by most American parents. The Latin roots found in this name mean “blue wash” a reference to the color of these flowers and its use as a washing agent in ancient times (it’s still used as such today!).


Cinnamon is a very sweet name that has been pretty rare for girls in the US. It did have a banner year in 1969 thanks to the popularity of the Neil Young song “Cinnamon Girl.” We find this herb and spice name to be extremely warm and inviting.

RELATED: 100 Nature Names for Girls and Boys


Sage is a unisex name that is currently given to three girls for every one boy. It’s one of the more popular herb and spice names on the list. Sage is a name of Latin origin that means “wise.” The fragrant leaves of this plant make things much more delicious and they have long been prized for their cleansing properties.


We are so thankful that Rosemary is a name on the rise today. The herb is so named because of its ability to grow in salty, coastal locations. The roots of the name mean “dew of the sea.” Rosemary sounds very established and would be one of the least controversial options on this list.


Juniper has begun to trend for baby girls but it is technically a unisex name. The juniper tree and its botanical berries have been used for generations. Juniper is a name of Latin origin and it means “youth.”


Again, another herb and spice name that can go to either boys or girls, Clove has so much potential and parents have begun to tap into it. This name could be a real winner for a baby thanks to the more established appellation, Clovis.


Cassia is a feminine form of Cassius, a Roman clan name that means “hollow.” Cassia also names a kind of cinnamon and its meaning can relate to that as well. Parents have begun to turn to this herb and spice name and we expect it will be popularized in the next few years.


Basil is a delightful herb name for boys. Basil is a name derived from Greek, meaning “regal.” Basil was once popular in the US but the name fell out of fashion by the 1970s. We really hope it makes a comeback as it is a delight.


Anise is inspired by the star-shaped spice used around the world for its unique and distinctive flavor. The think the name itself has a lot in common with that flavor profile. This name has been extremely rare until now as it has begun to trend with only a handful of babies getting the name. There’s plenty of room for this name to continue to grow.


Saffron is both an herb and spice name and a color name. Saffron is one of the planet’s most expensive herbs and rightfully so. It imparts a floral and fruity flavor unlike any other into a variety of foods. The golden orange color of the spice is so special that Saffron can be prized as a name belonging to the wonderful hue.


Pepper is technically a unisex name but we like it a touch better for girls. The name is of English origin and is derived from a Latin root that means “berry.” Pepper was slightly popular for baby girls born in the 1970s but it has been missing from birth certificates ever since then. Pass the Pepper, please.


Bay is a unisex herb and spice name that we like a bit more for boys. Bay and Laurel are essentially the same names when it comes to meaning as they are interchangeable.

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Poppy is an herb and spice name for girls that has shot up the popularity charts since 2016. The connection here is obviously those yummy poppy seeds used to stud muffins and bagels. Poppy’s meaning comes from the plant’s color, “red flower.” After enjoying years of favor in the UK, we are so happy this name crossed the pond!

How special are these unique names? If you loved these herb and spice baby names, keep reading as we have even more botanical and nature-inspired appellations to share with you!

Check Out These Delightful Nature Baby Names for Boys & Girls!

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Botanical Options

Nature Baby Names for Boys Continued – More Botanical-Inspired Appellations

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Trees

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Even More Trees

  • Cedar– Cedar comes from Latin roots and indeed means “cedar tree.”
  • Leif– Scandinavian name Leif actually means “heir” but it’s pronounced just like the word leaf.
  • Birch– Birch refers to the tree but it’s an established name that means “dweller in the birch forest.”
  • Branch– Of all the nature names on this list, we imagine that Branch might be the most polarizing. We think it works, but if it seems like to much of a stretch, don’t!
  • Banyan– The name of a tropical Indian fig tree, Banyan translates to mean “the God tree.”

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Minerals, Stone, and Rocks

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Topographic and Landscape-Inspired Appellations

Nature Baby Names for Boys – More Landscapes & Topographic Names

  • Bay– Bay has Latin origins and means “berry,” so this one is a two-for-one in that it’s a botanical name and a name for a body of water.
  • Lake– Thanks to its proximity to Blake, Lake works as an excellent alternative that highlights nature.
  • Flint– An English topographic name, Flint means “born near a crop of Flint.” This name was once wildly popular in the 1960s.
  • Pike– Yes, Pike is a fish, but it’s also the name of Pike’s Peak which was so named by Zebulon Pike.
  • Everest– Not our favorite of the nature names on this list, but one that’s been getting used far more often these days. The name of the world’s tallest mountain.

Nature Baby Names for Boys – Mythological Names

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Nature Baby Names for Boys – Animals

Nature Baby Names for Boys – More Animals

Now, Nature Baby Names for Girls

Nature Baby Names for Girls – Beautiful Botanicals

More Nature Baby Names for Girls – Fresh Botanicals

Nature Baby Names for Girls – More Botanical But Less Flowery

More Nature Baby Names – Yes, Girls Enjoy A Lot of Botanical Options!

Nature Baby Names for Girls – Gems, Minerals & More

More Gem Nature Baby Names for Girls

More Nature Baby Names for Girls – Sparkly Things Continued

Animal Nature Baby Names for Girls

Nature Baby Names for Girls – Look to the Sky

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Econames (Nature Names) for Girls That Have Become This Decade’s Hottest Baby Name Trend

Nature Baby Names for Girls – Topographic and Landscape Names

There you go! We hope you feel inspired by these nature baby names for girls and boys. We low-key want to take a hike now. We only scratched the surface of nature baby names as the possibilities are endless! If you are drawn to something of natural beauty, find a name with that meaning! Nature has always inspired names and there seems to be a name for every natural element on earth! Happy baby name hunting and congrats!

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