Mamas Uncut

Help, I Am Concerned About My Grandson’s Behavior— Any Advice?


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QUESTION: I am concerned about my grandson’s behavior: Advice?

I’m actually a nana to a little monster, but I faithfully read your posts. My 5-year-old grandson has developed a mean temper. His parents divorced last year, and it got ugly after a new soon-to-be stepmom entered the picture. She was overly nice trying to buy their love, and it worked as they are so young. Well, her place is more cemented now in Dad’s life, and her demeanor has changed. We all saw this coming, but how do you prepare kids for it?

Anyway, my grandson flips out when he has to share anything with his 3-year-old cousin. It makes him crazy. We get almost the same angry response when we tell him no for any reason. I’m so worried about him. The other day he started screaming over a toy car his baby cousin took from the toy box. Nevermind that there are over 50 cars in there. No hitting yet, but the screaming is bad! Any ideas?

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Help, I Am Concerned About My Grandson's Behavior— Any Advice?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Have your grandson pick toys that are to be shared before visitors come and anything he rather not, get put up or away so he has some sense of decision-making on ‘his stuff.’ Mine, all knew things they didn’t want to share had to be put away and anything out was fair game to share. He’s 5 (old enough for kindergarten now or soon ) he’s old enough to make the decision.”

“His parents need to get on the same page about discipline, rules, etc. Until that happens he will continue to be frustrated and lash out from confusion about what’s acceptable and what’s not.”

“It’s probably a phase. Every kid I know has had this phase. About the same age. Discipline, love and consistency with all of the responsible adults.”

“Sharing is hard for kids. Teach [your grandson] to take turns, teach patience, and sharing. Also if the screaming is bad, try a time out until they calm down, remind him he doesn’t need to scream and “sharing is caring”. He is still young. Just needs guidance.”

“Guiding your grandson through his emotions to help him process them could help.”

“Sounds like kids being kids. He’s got some frustrations he probably doesn’t even understand. Give him a hug, sit down and ask him why he feels and acts that way. Sounds like someone needs to ask him how he feels and what his needs and wants are.”

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