Mamas Uncut

I’m a Single Mom in the Middle of a Head Lice Nightmare: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about head lice. She says that, unfortunately, she and her children have contracted head lice. She has been running down the list of treatments and common recommendations, but so far, the problem persists. After trying things like Nix, combing, and even putting mayonnaise on her own head under a plastic bag. But she says her son, at least, is still scratching, despite the fact she doesn’t see any lice when she looks. What else should she try?

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: My Daughter Came Home from Her Dad’s with Lice: How Can I Get Rid of Them ASAP?

A member of the community asks:

“Needing advice on head lice!”

“My children and I contracted head lice! We only had one person over, and that was like five weeks ago, other than that we strictly went to the grocery store and back home. Anyways that’s beside the point. I’m 30 and never dealt with lice before! I treated my son’s hair yesterday, his hair was awful. He keeps scratching today, but I don’t see anything when I brush with the little comb from the kit. (I bought Nix ultra, and I also bought a shampoo separately.) My daughter is mixed with black, and I always keep her hair oiled and greased. She didn’t have a single louse or anything, nor is she scratching.

I’m a single mother with no friends or family and had to treat myself. I have long, thick hair. After my treatment, I still saw lice, so I smothered my head in mayonnaise and put a plastic bag and left it there from 12 am-10 am (Google said to….smh). I also sprayed my furniture and bed with the spray provided by the kit. I stripped my beds and washed everything, even pillows on the extra hot water, and dried extra hot temp as well.

I plan to repeat this process in a week. And continue to brush through mine and my son’s hair until then, but what else am I missing! Why is my son still scratching?! I don’t see anything in his head?!

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom and Her Children Struggling with Head Lice

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I'm a Single Mom in the Middle of a Head Lice Nightmare: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Call their pediatricians and get the prescription head lice treatment. That’s the only way I ever get them completely gone. Good luck you got this!”

“Our school had a huge break out last fall. And my daughter had them the very first time ever. The nurse said to go strand by strand and pick the nits our by hand, treat twice, take everything from stuff animals that can’t be washed spray treat and tie them in a dark trash bag for 2 weeks. She also suggested that since lice love clean hair to spray a little hair spray before sending her to school to help prevent. It worked!!! Good luck!!!!”

“Buy a better lice comb. While you are waiting a week to repeat treatment comb through yours and his hair daily. If there is still lice it could be newly hatched lice that are very tiny and hard to see.”

“Blue Listerine, soak the hair and cover with a shower cap leave on a couple of hours and use a nit comb. A couple drops of tea tree oil spread over the hair every couple of days should keep them away. This is tried and true, my daughters have thick bottom length hair and this worked.”

“Vacuum everything too… wash everything. Everyday. Until there are no more bits anywhere. He may be scratching because of the chemicals on his head.”

“Probably due to the scabbing on the scalp is why he’s still itching from scratching previously. When my 2-year-old twins got it, I asked their pediatrician because I didn’t want to use regular lice shampoo on them. She gave me what’s practically carpet bombing for head lice. It’s called Natroba and it works. You don’t even have to comb the nits out and I haven’t seen a bug or nit since. I also cut their hair too afterward to rid the presence of the nits.”

“The lice bite your head when you have them, so even if you get rid of it all, the itching won’t go away until the bites heal completely, which takes time if he keeps scratching them open. Try not letting him scratch so they can heal.”

“It can take more than a couple of treatments. 2 years ago my kindergartener brought it home. Everyone but my husband got it. I was 28, pissed with lice, and pregnant and we were switching out our washer/dryer so we didn’t have one. Keep up with the treatments and then do preventive stuff too: cleaning couches, beds, soft toys, carpets, heads repeat. Repeat. It took about 1.5-2 months for us to no longer have any.”

“Hand sanitizer works wonders. Put it on the lice comb and brush a section of hair. The nits just come out. Fabric softener and conditioner mixed together works great too.”

“Please do not douse your children’s head with alcohol. Tea tree is safe and effective if used properly if you are looking for a different method than Nix or store-bought brands.”

“Cosmetologist here. Have dealt with finding lice many times. You need to contact your pediatrician if you are still seeing itching and or lice. They will be able to give you professional advice and prescription for prevention and itching. Do not seek Google for advice. Wash everything. Lice spread from hair to hair contact and love clean hair they can easily move through.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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