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What Is It Like Having Kids 10 Years Apart?

A mom writes in asking for advice about having kids 10 years apart. This mom says she recently learned that she is pregnant. Her daughter, she says, will be 10 by the time the new baby arrives, and she worries this will be a “rift for my daughter instead of a blessing.” So this mom turns to the community for advice: What is like having kids 10 years apart?

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A member of the community asks:

“How is it having kids 10 years apart?

I just found out I’m pregnant. My kids would be ten years apart. I foresee this being viewed as a major rift for my daughter instead of a blessing. Does anyone have advice? Anyone have kids 10 years apart? How’s it going??”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know What Having Kids 10 Years Apart Is Like

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

What Is It Like Having Kids 10 Years Apart?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I’ve got a 20-year-old son and a 7-month-old daughter… he adores his little sister.”

“Not to worry. That could be a good thing in many ways. Older siblings can be really good mentors and guides for younger ones. I loved my brother who 10 years younger in a very maternal way.”

“I have an 11-year-old and a 1-year-old. 10 years apart almost to the day! My boys absolutely adore each other. My oldest loves helping with the little one and my little one looks at my oldest like he’s a superhero. Also, I’m 30 and have a 13-year-old sister. We’re not as close as I’d like to be, but I absolutely adore her. I always take her with us on family trips!”

“I have 13, 11, and 2-year-olds. The big’uns absolutely dote on my youngest, forever making him laugh playing with him and cuddling, etc. Absolutely wonderful to see. Just remember to include older ones so they don’t feel left out.”

“My youngest brothers and I are 17 and 15 years apart. I’m literally almost a whole adult older than them, but honestly, it depends on your older child(ren). When I lived with my dad my little brothers were and are some of my best friends despite the huge gap between us…

… They would love to come into my room and just sit with me. We would play games together, Id help them do their homework. I’d even go to bed by myself and wake up with one or both of them in the room with me. They are a blessing and I wish you all the best for your children!!!”

“My kids are 12 years apart and are inseparable! They have such an incredible bond.”

“My little brother is 12 years younger than I. I thought it was my job to protect and teach him all I could.”

“I have kids ten years apart and I love it! They love each other SO much. I can’t say there is no fighting but it is very minimal! I love the relationship they have!”

“My boys are 11 1/2 years apart & their relationship is so fun. My older son is very helpful & so protective of little brother. He loves teaching him new things! I thought with them being so far apart in age that they wouldn’t pick on each other but they totally do! I love that I got to spend so much one on one time with my older son before his brother comes along. & when the older one goes off to college, I’ll get lots of one on one time with the younger one. In the meantime, I’m enjoying them both & watching their relationship blossom. Having the large age gap was perfect for our family.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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