Mamas Uncut

Expert Tips on How to Organize Your Grocery Shopping and Finding Budget-Friendly Recipes

A mom writes in asking for advice on the topic of grocery shopping and finding budget-friendly recipes. She says she is “always all over the place” when it comes to grocery shopping and ends up spending over her budget.

Homeschool Hideout‘s Tiffany Jordon weighs in with some expert advice below.

Expert Tips on How to Organize Your Grocery Shopping and Finding Budget-Friendly Recipes

Mamas Uncut fan asks:

“Okay mamas, I need help organizing my grocery shopping. I’m always all over the place and end up running out by the end of the month and going over my budget. Any budget-friendly recipes?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

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Advice from Tiffany Jordon

The secret to making your food last all month is to make a meal plan! It doesn’t have to be an elaborate system. Just knowing exactly what you’re going to eat for the month will help you know exactly how much food you need. Don’t forget to schedule “Leftover Night” and dinners out with friends or family.

Try making “Meatless Monday ” a new thing at your house. Find a few simple recipes that don’t require meat and add them to your meal plan. Some scrumptious but filling ideas include soup and sandwiches, meatless chili or veggie stir-fry. One meatless meal per week can really help stretch your grocery budget.

Breakfast for dinner is another easy way to make the most of your small grocery budget. You can make pancakes or waffles for less than a quarter per serving! Add a side of bacon and an egg and you have an entire meal for only a couple of bucks!

Challenge yourself to use the ingredients you already have to make an entire meal. See how many days you can go with eating out of the pantry and freezer before you need to head to the grocery store. Not only does this help you use up food you already have purchased but it helps keep your freezer stocked with fresh foods, instead of items that have been there for a few months. 

Reinventing your leftovers is the perfect way to ensure you don’t waste any food at all. Turn your leftover chicken into chicken wraps and your taco meat into nachos. Make it a goal to never toss out any food, no matter how small the amount!

With a few easy ideas and some creativity, your tiny grocery budget can be transformed into meals fit for a king!

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