Mamas Uncut

A Grieving Couple Gave a Young Girl a Priceless Gift at Disney World, and Now the Girl’s Family Is Searching for Them

A family visiting Disney World got a touching surprise when they met a couple visiting the park to honor the one-year anniversary of their late daughter’s Make-A-Wish visit to Hollywood Studios park.

The grieving couple gifted a Mickey Mouse ring to the family’s young daughter, Belle, because she reminded them so much of their own daughter. They told her father that they had purchased two Mickey Mouse rings during their first visit — one was given to their daughter and the other they kept with the goal of giving it to another child.

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Grieving Couple Gives Priceless Gift to a Young Stranger at Disney World After Their Own Daughter Passed

Kara Geiselman, Belle’s mom, shared the sweet story on Facebook in the hopes of connecting with the couple. The Geiselmans were especially touched by the gift because Belle herself had been through some trying health struggles.

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A Grieving Couple Gave a Young Girl a Priceless Gift at Disney World, and Now the Girl's Family Is Searching for Them
CREDIT: Facebook

Her dad, Kyle Geiselman, appeared on Today and shared that doctors were not sure she would survive after her birth. Belle is an identical twin and both were born prematurely at 30 weeks. As a result, Belle had a feeding tube until she was 18 months old.

“The fact that they chose Belle without knowing her struggles in life brings tears to my eyes,” Kara wrote on Facebook.  

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Credit: Facebook

“They didn’t know that we were back at the place where our daughter surprised us all and [started] eating by mouth for the first time at 18 months old, or that this trip was the first time she traveled to Disney without needing a feeding tube for nourishment or an Oxygen mask on the flight,” she wrote.

Kyle and Kara shared the Facebook post in the hopes of reconnecting with the couple.

“This little gold Mickey Mouse ring will forever be kept as a priceless gift and always cherished,” Kara wrote in her post, which has now been shared thousands of times.

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