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Grandmother Volunteers as Surrogate for Son and His Wife; Gives Birth to Healthy Granddaughter

Grandmother Volunteers as Surrogate for Son and His Wife; Gives Birth to Healthy Granddaughter

via TMZ

What would you do if your mother volunteered to be a surrogate for you and your wife’s next child? It might sound a little strange at first, but it’s a touching reality for one family who was left with very few options. They say that desperate times call for desperate measures – and this was a desperate time. 

In 2018, Jeff and Cambria Hauck gave birth to twin daughters – Vera and Ayva. It took the couple four years of fertility treatments, but they were finally able to conceive with the help of IVF treatments. It was a life-changing moment for the Hauck family, but they eventually decided that they weren’t quite done yet. 

In 2021, the couple gave birth to another set of twins – two sons named Diesel and Luca. Within minutes, their family doubled from two to four. After giving birth for the second time, the couple decided to get a hysterectomy for medical reasons – meaning their chances of conceiving a third time would be slim. 

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That brings us to 2022. Despite already having a full house with four little ones running around, Jeff and Cambria still weren’t done – they wanted another. With pregnancy off the table, their options were limited and there was even a point where the couple thought it was unrealistic to consider having a fifth child.

That’s when Jeff’s mother stepped in. The 56-year-old grandmother hadn’t given birth in over two decades and never thought she would go through the nine-month process ever again. That changed when she saw an opportunity to bless her son and daughter-in-law with the miracle of life – and she did.

On February 17th, Nancy Hauck successfully underwent an embryo transfer after receiving the okay from her OB-GYN. Not even a week later, a pregnancy test came back positive – meaning she was pregnant with her grandchild. It’s a strange, yet touching story when you consider the circumstances they were in. 

On November 2nd, Nancy gave birth to a healthy daughter named Hannah – Jeff and Cambria’s fifth child. In an interview with PEOPLE, the couple said there’s no way they could ever repay their mother for putting her body and health on the line, but they’re doing their best to show their deepest appreciation. 

Being a Surrogate Has Strengthened Nancy’s Relationship With Her Husband

Nancy Hauck and her husband, Jason Hauck, never thought they’d be going through a pregnancy in their late-50s – and they certainly never imagined it would be their grandchild in her womb – but it’s a decision they’re glad they made and one they would make again in a heartbeat. It was a no-brainer for the couple.

The decision didn’t come without fear, though. On one hand, Nancy feared the baby wouldn’t make it due to her age and that she would feel responsible for the baby’s passing. On the other hand, Jason feared losing his wife – something that remained in the back of his mind throughout the nine-month pregnancy.

In the end, everything worked out perfectly. In fact, the couple feels that their relationship has deepened as a result. “Our connection grew, and our love expanded. Even a simple touch was filled with love and acceptance,” said Jason, who gave his 56-year-old wife a foot and leg rub every night while watching TV.

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“I held Nancy’s hand as she gave birth to each of our five beautiful children. This time she had a team of support with Jeff and Cambria holding and helping her through the contractions,” continued Jason, adding that ‘love and tenderness filled that delivery room.’ It’s a peculiar story, but a touching one, nonetheless.

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