Mamas Uncut

My Kids’ Grandmother Is Not Social Distancing and Works in a High-Risk Environment But Still Wants to See Her Grandkids: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her kids’ grandmother. Their grandmother (on their father’s side) is not, according to this mom, practicing social distancing. Additionally, she works in a nursing home, placing her in an incredibly high-risk position. However, the grandmother still constantly asks to see her grandkids. What should this mom do?

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A member of the community asks:

My kids’ grandmother is not respecting social distancing: Advice?

So with all of this COVID-19 stuff going on, my kid’s grandmother from their father’s side is not respecting social distancing. I understand it’s hard and all, but she works in a retirement home in a high-risk environment. I’ve told her no multiple times, but she continuously asks their father to see the grandkids. What should I do?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Says Her Kids’ Grandma Doesn’t Respect Social Distancing But Still Wants to See the Grandkids

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My Kids' Grandmother Is Not Social Distancing and Works in a High-Risk Environment But Still Wants to See Her Grandkids: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Keep standing your ground!”

“Easy not see her. If their father doesn’t want to listen and you aren’t together, pull visitation and file in court.”

“It depends on where you live, how prevalent it is, and what you can do to social distance and love your family.”

“Send her lengthy, frequent videos of them.”

“Put your foot down and say no because you don’t need it possibly in your house at all.”

“Do a video chat instead.”

“Video chat. Make her cute videos. Have the kids write her letters. It’s hard for everyone. Stand your ground but try to remember we are all struggling.”

“Half my family isn’t listening to recommendations, but we’ve stuck our ground, I don’t plan on breaking anytime soon. If they want to talk to the kids, they call, it sucks but it’s temporary.”

“Tell her no! Those are your kids and keeping them safe is your #1 priority and if she can’t respect that, then that’s all on her. It’s not your job to make her feel happy, and if she wants to throw in your face that it’s unfair, throw it back at her and ask her if it was her, what would she do? Again we’re all in this together. Hoping this COVID-19 goes away soon.”

“We are going through the same thing. My mother got upset with me because I wouldn’t have an Easter dinner which meant that she couldn’t give them Easter baskets. I politely explained to her that my mother-in-law came over but stayed outside, put Easter baskets on the back of our car while the kids stood on the porch to say hi and exchange ‘air love.’ Maybe you can work out something similar where they can see each other from a distance. Good luck to you.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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