Mamas Uncut

Grandma Asks If She’s Wrong for Literally Kidnapping Her Grandchild Because She Was ‘Concern’ About Daughter-in-Law’s Mental Health

A grandma wants to know if she’s an a**hole for kidnapping her granddaughter. According to the grandmother, who shared her question on Reddit, she has a son “who is married to a woman who’s quite unstable.”

According to the woman, her daughter-in-law has anxiety but reportedly chooses not to go to therapy or take medication even though she has tried to push her in that direction. The daughter-in-law tells her mother-in-law that she has tried both for years but neither worked.

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As the post continued, her daughter-in-law experienced a lot of anxiety during her pregnancy. “[She] refused to eat almost any food for fear of some ‘bacteria’ and at this point, I became concerned for her mental health.”

Once her daughter-in-law gave birth, the new mom asked for some space. “Normally I would be fine with this but I was very concerned about how she would handle her anxiety at a time like this,” the Reddit user shared.

Grandma Asks If She's Wrong for Literally Kidnapping Her Grandchild Because She Was 'Concern' About Daughter-in-Law's Mental Health | “I have no intention to take custody. I just want her mom to get help.”

And that’s when the grandma devised a plan to kidnap her own grandchild. According to the post, while her son is working, his wife his home alone with the baby. And because her mother-in-law believes she’s “clearly not fit to do this without help,” she suggested that she take the baby for a day, while the new mom “takes a mental health day.”

The daughter-in-law agreed, but then the grandma never brought her back. 


“My son asked when I would be returning the baby and I said, ‘Don’t worry. This is temporary. But until she gets therapy and gets on medication see this as a wake-up call. The baby will be safe here while she gets the help she needs.’”

Obviously, her son didn’t handle that ultimatum very well. “I have no intention to take custody. I just want her mom to get help.”

After her son threatened to call the cops, she agreed to bring her granddaughter back. Now she is upset because her son “banned her from interacting with the baby for ‘the foreseeable future.” Now she’s asking Reddit who is wrong in this particular situation.

It was pretty clear that most of the Redditors who commented on her post agreed that the grandmother was very much in the wrong and should not have reacted or threatened her children the way she did.

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“YTA,” one commenter wrote. “What’s up with so many ‘concerned’ grandparents recently acting crazy? You stole someone’s child based on completely unfounded fears that her anxiety is impacting her ability to parent. Threatening to call the police and banning you from interacting with the baby is a perfectly rational response to the way you behaved. You were providing needed support until you decided to not return the baby, then you were a kidnapper.”

How would have you handled this particularly insane situation?

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