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30 Gordon Ramsay Memes That Will Have You Laughing All Day

Let’s talk Gordon Ramsay memes! Hot-headed celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has a reputation for flying off the rails and really delivering savage insults on a variety of cooking shows and competitions. While some might not love this about him, his attitude has resulted in a number of fabulous Gordon Ramsay memes that celebrate his brash, unvarnished, opinions on all matters gastronomic. His curmudgeonly appearances on Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares cemented his legacy as a supreme trash talker that will live on forever in meme form.

Gordon Ramsay memes generally come together in one of two ways. First, people will just use one of Ramsay’s biting insults as the text of the meme. Second, people embody the angry chef and create memes of the imagined things he might say. Because of his wit, snark, and no-holds-barred approach to confronting people, Ramsay has now become a character in people’s minds that can come out to play in meme form. We absolutely love Gordon Ramsay memes and find them hilarious and dark. So, we decided to round up thirty memes that really nail Chef Ramsay’s ethos. For a good laugh, check them out below!

Let’s Get Cooking with These Hilarious Gordon Ramsay Memes!

The Gold Standard


One of the most infamous Gordon Ramsay memes comes in the form of a gif. In one of the cooking shows he hosted, he once made a contestant say she is “an idiot sandwich” while he holds two pieces of bread on either side of her head. You thought your insults were bad, this is as sick as it gets!


30 Gordon Ramsay Memes

Someone on Twitter shared a comment they found on a video of Gordon Ramsay on YouTube. “When I was younger I thought Jon Bonet Ramsay was Gordon Ramsays [sic] daughter and the reason he was so angry all the time was because his daughter was dead.” Slightly morose, this meme really gets at some grander questions about the source of Ramsay’s negativity.

Like Father, Like Son


Here’s one of the fun Gordon Ramsay memes that interrogates his potential attitude as a father. “When your dad says you can’t swear but then you see his TV show,” the mem says. Below, a picture of Gordon holding his youngest son, Oscar, reveals a visage of a little boy who knows his dad better than dad thinks.

SO Raw


“This fish is so raw he’s still finding Nemo,” this meme proclaims over an image of Ramsay verbally battering someone. There is an entire subgenre of Gordon Ramsay memes dedicated to the rawness of certain foods. This is one of our favorites!

More On Fish


As promised, here’s another one of the Gordon Ramsay memes involving raw fish. However, this one finds Ramsay a bit more out of his depth.

Panini Head


One of the most beloved Gordon Ramsay memes involves the chef calling someone a “panini head.” You would think it would only be applicable in a few, select situations, but leave it to the internet to discover more uses for one of Ramsay’s most infamous insults.

Monday, Monday


Mondays, right? You see there are Gordon Ramsay memes for every situation. We find the celebrity chef cooling off in a freezer and avoiding others. Our Mondays look like this too.

About That Lamb Sauce


“Where’s the lamb sauce!?” is another one of the iconic Gordon Ramsay memes that is referenced again and again. It’s just so funny to see someone so worked up over gravy!

The Many Face of Gordon Ramsay


Here’s one of the fun Gordon Ramsay memes that is built from different reactions the chef has had. Which one of these faces are you making after you hear an offensive joke?

More Raw Stuff


Here’s more of Gordon Ramsay complaining about raw and undercooked foods. A bit of color has been added with the reference to Squidward here.

Where There’s a Will…


When you’re not looking at Gordon Ramsay memes about undercooked foods, you will find memes about overcooked things. What happened to that water?



“Where’s the finesse?” is another one of the Gordon Ramsay memes that is a cult classic. Have you ever seen someone put that much effort into pronouncing a word? The finesse is REAL.

That Feeling When…


Honest question: how many people do you think Gordon Ramsay has made cry? We imagine the number is over 100 and it’s hard to say how each person handles a berating from the chef.

The Infamous Microwave


A certain chef hates microwave appliances and thus, an entire genre of Gordon Ramsay memes have sprouted. Here’s one that imagines a true-crime scenario between the two.

He’s Not That Bad, Is He?


Imagine your dog being scolded by Gordon Ramsay every single time it barked. That sounds like complete chaos to us.

That’s Really Bad


“This food is so disgusting Bear Grylls wouldn’t even eat it,” this meme proclaims. That’s a pretty damning insult considering Grylls has eaten bugs, worms, animal carcasses, and so much more.

RELATED: Gordon Ramsay’s Daughter Says She Actually Prefers Her Mom’s Cooking

Speaks for Itself


This is one of the Gordon Ramsay memes that speaks for itself. Look closely at the still image at the bottom. Did they really put a funnel in that food!?

Of All the Ways to Cook


Here’s a perfect gif of our friend Gordon Ramsay comparing someone to a donkey. How does a donkey cook? Only Ramsay knows.

A Whole Lot of Ginger


We love the Gordon Ramsay memes that include imagined insults. Although this one is likely made up, you can almost hear the words coming from the chef’s mouth.

People Can’t Seem to Cook the Proteins


Here’s another one of the Gordon Ramsay memes about undercooked food. We love this nod to The Lion King.

RIP Swift Fans


Ouch… The creator of this meme clearly has no problem avoiding the comments. We imagine it will anger a few Taylor Swift fans but is it wrong?



That seems like a pretty over-the-top punishment to us, but when you’re in the kitchen with Ramsay, justice is swift.

Surprise, Surprise!


Sometimes the Gordon Ramsay memes skew positive in nature. Here’s one such case in which the creator mashed up two memes with great success.

Garlic Bread…


That’s a whole lot of garlic, right? The lower image of Ramsay is one you will find in a ton of Gordon Ramsay memes. It’s the perfect image for just about every situation.

Fit for a God


Wow! That’s one of the toughest critiques we’ve seen put forward in these Gordon Ramsay memes. A burnt offering is better than none at all, right?

Fit for a Dog?


Do you think Gordon Ramsay cooks for his pets? We bet they’re some of the happiest fur babies on Earth if that’s the case. We love how this meme imagines his pampered pup!



Here’s one of the most biting and hilarious Gordon Ramsay memes on this list. Trust issues are real, folks!

Not the Silence of the Lambs


Where are the Silence of the Lambs fans at? Here’s a funny reference to the movie and the novel that fans will instantly get.



Here’s a live shot of your body expelling germs. Yes, your white blood cells are actually just microscopic Gordon Ramsays.

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A Consummate Critic


Only Gordon Ramsay could find fault with water. This meme beautifully picks fun at how critical the chef can be. Cheers!

There you go! Did these Gordon Ramsay memes make you laugh? We certainly hope you got a kick out of them. Ramsay is such an iconic insult-hurler that just about everything he utters is meme-worthy. We love the chef for it! We hope you found these memes to be as epically biting as Chef Ramsay himself!

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