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This Guy Accused His Girlfriend of Getting Pregnant on Purpose, Then Suggested She Get an Abortion, and You Can Probably Guess How That Went Over

An unexpected pregnancy can elicit many reactions. One Reddit community member, for better or worse, immediately questioned whether his girlfriend’s pregnancy was an accident at all.

The 26-year-old Original Poster (OP) accused his girlfriend of four years of getting pregnant intentionally. Now, he’s turning to others to ask, “Am I the A**hole?” 

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“AITA for accusing my girlfriend of getting pregnant intentionally?”

This Guy Accused His Girlfriend of Getting Pregnant on Purpose, Then Suggested She Get an Abortion, and You Can Probably Guess How That Went Over
CREDIT: Reddit

Since moving in together, the writer noticed his girlfriend’s increased interest in the idea of having children. 

“Her Pinterest is filled with stuff about baby clothes, nursery decorating and raising kids (as well as tons of wedding stuff). She follows a lot of family accounts on Instagram she would once in a while send me videos of kids and say ‘lol this is totally our future kid’),” the OP says.

The couple had agreed that they would wait to have children until they further established their careers and paid off debts. 

“She always agreed that we weren’t ready for kids but it was obvious she had intense baby fever.”

The writer assumed it wasn’t an issue since his girlfriend was taking precautionary measures. Naturally, he was shocked to hear the news. 

“My girlfriend is on birth control and takes the depo provera shot every 3 months.”

He continued: “3 days ago my girlfriend tells me that she’s 2 months pregnant and she just found out. I was absolutely shocked. Honestly, I suggested an abortion at this point but my girlfriend was adamant against it and said she was pretty excited for the baby and was mad I was even suggesting abortion.”

That’s when the accusations started flying. 

“I did accuse her of intentionally getting pregnant because it honestly just made the most sense. She was acting so excited like it was planned, her past behaviour showed she was looking forward to a baby and I never followed up to make sure she was getting all her shots. She had been on the same form of birth control our entire relationship with barely a pregnancy scare and suddenly she’s pregnant?”

After much arguing, the girlfriend has cut off communication. 

“We argue back and forth and she gets really angry and runs away to her mom’s house. She then texts me a picture of a receipt for her most recent depo shot 9 weeks ago with the caption “you are a f*cking a**hole”. She blocked me and refuses to respond to any of my messages.”

The boyfriend turned to the community to determine if he was in the wrong. 

“I already apologized many times but I honestly don’t think I was the asshole to question her intentionally getting pregnant,” he adds. “I really hope we can make this work, but am I really the a**hole here, when looking at my perspective of the situation?”

Most readers were quick to come to the pregnant girlfriend’s defense and ultimately confirmed, yes, he was in fact being an a**hole.

The top comment basically sums it up: “YTA big time here. Just because she has always dreamed of a mom doesn’t mean she would undermine your trust and sabotage your current life plans. Do you not trust her as a person at all? Considering that she’s open about wanting kids it makes sense that she would want to keep an oops baby because in her mind it just changed the timing, not the occurrence.”

And we’d have to agree. Yikes.

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